Happy Lemmy citizen from the Reddit collapse diaspora

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I really shouldn’t respond to this since I’m just rehashing up one of the stupidest arguments I’ve ever had. but, what you said is actually pretty close to what my position was. we parted ways when it came to the more distant cousins. I suggested a cool hundred K USD out to second cousins 'cause, after all, 300 million doesn’t buy as much as it used to

    but surprisingly, it didn’t really matter because we didn’t win the lottery. imagine that. /s.

    My lesson learned was that arguing on principle isn’t usually worth it

  • My wife and I bought 10 lottery tickets at a time when the pot got up to 300 million or something like that. we were talking about what we would would do with the money once we won and couldn’t agree on how many of our friends mortgages we would pay off. we MAY have had some other things going on in a relationship at that time, but it’s still one of the stupidest arguments I’ve ever gotten in.

  • you probably know this already, but one of the nice things about hide glue is that it doesn’t show up in the finish if you don’t clean it up perfectly the way PVA glues do. of course, you may have more limited access after glue up like Bradley said.

    one idea -full disclosure, I’ve never tried this - would be to apply a layer of hide glue as a masking agent. since hide glue is reversible, and assuming you’ll have good access to the masked area after you apply the oil finish, you should be able to remove that high glue with heat and moisture after you’re finish is applied.