A copy of scratch then.
A copy of scratch then.
A little more seriously, we in fact start as non-binary instead of as female as it’s usually said. How nobody said that before?
I remember doing that to read and write my answers in forums. Then someone had already posted the same comment or a better version.
Normal people talk things over? I would seriously believe that to be the farfetched scenario.
I understand that companies have to submit to these rulings, but do they have to do it quietly? It’s mostly a rhetorical question. They could keep a tally of every instance the government made they do something they disapproved of and make it public. Not profitable at all unfortunately.
Ethnic and exotic food suddenly sound like very strange terms. This question made me realize that people from outside would call the food of my country simply Brazilian food, but we ourselves divide and subdivided them in more categories. I’m sure the same is true everywhere.
I know this is not a question for discussion, but I thought this could add more variety to the answers.
There’s the possibility Starlink will refuse the order to block Twitter. I don’t use one of the major providers, so I’m still unaffected. I just learned there are twenty thousand registered smaller ones.
My comment is all context. The word is not the problem, it’s the way it’s being used.
Try it in terms of double standards. It’s an experiment that has been done. People see a man talking aggressively to a woman and some will intervene. People see a woman talking aggressively to a man and the number that intervenes drops significantly, some will cheer.
Or try it in terms of victims of violence. They see people fighting and they react as if they are in immediate danger. They feel safe with their friends, but their friends suddenly decide to start arguments on the street.
Reading what you wrote, I know you can understand the issue. We are not saying you all are wrong, just that it hurts. Can you understand why it hurts? That’s the only thing that really matters and that I want to discuss right now.
Sorry for hijacking the post, but I don’t think people get why this usage of weird bothers some people. It’s not that we (several kinds of weird we) are not used to be called weird or similar. We grew up and found people who were like us and understood our quirkiness. Weird was the weapon of the bigot and we took that away from them. Until our friends, or community at large, started acting like the people that hurt us in the past. We could deal with the bullies and ignorant using it against us, but this new situation was unexpected.
I don’t like comparing struggles, but I’ll use examples to, maybe, make things clear. Using queer instead of weird would have bothered them the same, although I don’t believe it would have worked the same way, but more people at our side would see the issue. And the next one might be much more personal, but reading “good weird, bad weird” sounds like “good negro, bad negro” to me. You don’t get to judge or qualify me.
Also, even in a discussion that completely accepts and is understanding of people using weird as a weapon to the point of trying to find another word to be used in a positive way, there are comments that invalidate the feelings of those who are affected. If you believe words have power, why can’t you see the collateral damage?
Honestly, I’m trying to endure it until election season ends there in the USA, but I’m starting to feel the need to talk about all the wonderful things I like using the word weird just to counteract the negativity.
From Brazil here. I always thought latinx was for the community inside the US. Latine follows what was decided here as neutral with the -e suffix. Honestly, initially I wouldn’t imagine that x was pronounced and was used only in text.
There was a serious security vulnerability previous to Python 3.11 if I recall correctly. You can use pyenv to manage Python versions though: https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv
I think it’s about generating alt text for people with disabilities when they are missing from pictures.
State Code defines obscene matter as anything an average person believes depicts or describes sexually explicit conduct, nudity, sex or certain bodily functions; or anything a reasonable person would find lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value. According to State Code 61-8A-2, any adult who knowingly and intentionally displays obscene matter to a minor could be charged with a felony, fined up to $25,000 and face up to five years in prison if convicted.
You gotta love when they say “average” or “reasonable”. Average people can judge their own lives, reasonable people can talk about subjects they are interested and have studied in some capacity, a random person who wouldn’t be asked to decide if a work has any serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value in normal circumstances can’t be an arbiter of the law.
I hate the term and the fact it became widespread. Unfortunately, mass adoption also means it will mutate and evolution will follow its course.
“If you have an outcome-based approach and you do not reach the goals, then you have to apply additional measures […] whereas now you say okay, I tried, but unfortunately, it didn’t turn out the way I wanted to,” Paulus explained.
Politicians and producers love good ideas that will attract the public’s attention, but should be tweaked just enough to not be executed as intended.
After ruining some installations and learning some more, I started questioning the fact that pyenv and some venv management are not taught at the beggining.
The problem with tipping not being an extra is that one theoretically ends up paying the waiter’s salary directly without being in a direct work relation with them. The restaurant pays people to be there, the clients pay the people to provide a service, the restaurant doesn’t share their profits with their employees, the clients are pressured to decide how much of that profit should be shared and generate that number on the side.
It’s the old two categories being exploited and pitied against each other.
Extra RAM.