I read it as “no, we won’t use your data for advertising, but collect it anyways. If you ever dare to stop paying, we’ll retroactively process this data, too”
I read it as “no, we won’t use your data for advertising, but collect it anyways. If you ever dare to stop paying, we’ll retroactively process this data, too”
I use Arch btw
Yeah, basically you have three options:
Aperture Science.
We do what we must
Because we can.
For the good of all of us.
Except the ones who are dead.
Windows doesn’t have sudo
(not yet, at least) and privileges work a bit different as even as an administrator, you may not have full rights.
To overcome that obstacle, you’d need to run a shell as an administrator (hold CTRL+Shift, then use the start menu entry or right-click it and select run as administrator).
Next obstacle: We have a separate drive for each partition, but no root folder.
If we assume we’re running on a laptop or PC with a single drive and a single partition*, then it’s just
In cmd.exe:
del /F /S C:\
In Powershell:
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path C:\
When you want to delete all (mounted) partitions/drives, you need to iterate over them. (Note that’s from the top of my head, didn’t check the script if it works).
In cmd.exe:
REM Not gonna do that, I'm no masochist
In Powershell:
Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Foreach-Object {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path "$($_.Name):\"
Done. Mounting additional partitions before that is left as an exercise for the reader.
*note that even a standard installation of windows creates 3 partitions. One for the bootloader, one for the recovery system and then the system drive. Only the latter is mounted and will be deleted by this. The other two will still be intact.
The EU at least tries to regulate AI with the AI Act
It’s not a catch all, but some things are banned from using AI and others will need an assessment before going live. Some other will not need an assessment, but serious incidents need to be reported
Remember <marquee>
? And maybe add some dancing hamsters?
Remember that JS file that rendered a text besides your mouse pointer and when you moved your mouse, the text would follow it letter by letter?
It’s not the most detailed thing, but I just use a free account on cron-job.org to send a head request every two minutes to a few services that are reachable from the internet (either just their homepage or some ping endpoint in the API) and then used the status page functionality to have a simple second status page on a third party server.
You can do a bit more on their paid tier, but so far I didn’t need that.
On the other hand, you could try if a free tier/cheap small vps on one of the many cloud providers is sufficient for an uptime Kuma installation. Just don’t use the same cloud provider as all other of your services run in.
Thanks! Here’s the tax:
Have you read The Egg by Andy Weir?
It looks like you changed the position of your mouse cursor. Would you like to reboot to apply these changes?
No, it’s not „always up“.
There are three main ways how Google, Bing,… can track you:
With Searxng, they can only do the last variant. But assuming you use a “real” server in the internet (and not one at home), it will likely have the same IP for its lifetime. And if you’re using it alone, that’s the only thing they need to identify you and track your searches. The more other people use your instance, the less useful this kind of tracking gets. Too much noise to identify a single person.
Having your own instance can be bad for privacy, as all your searches come from your IP (hosted at home) or the same IP (hosted on a server). They might not be traced to you personally, but you might still get personalized results or your search may still be tracked, depending on how they track you.
That’s circumvented when using it with some or better many other people. But then, you need to trust the admin of that instance.
Self-hosted is easy if you know a bit about servers. You need a domain pointing to a server. If it’s the only thing hosted on that server and you have set up docker on it, you can just follow their instructions here to get it running in less than 5 minutes (assuming you run the default config and don’t customize all of the settings for a while): https://github.com/searxng/searxng-docker?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-use-it
And Xbox three to Xbox 359?
They basically did. I bet they just used an ORM in the backed and then pointed the API endpoint to the user entity without filtering the fields. This results in a dump of the user table (although row by row indexed by users instead of a full dump)
Depends on how much current the drive draws. If the m2 SSD needs more current than your regular thumb drive, your phone might not supply enough power and it stays unusable.
Besides that, as long a the enclosure uses the standard protocol and the filesystem is supported by Android, it should work
Ransomware in Windows:
You need to allow macros to read this job application
Ransomware in Linux:
You need to run chmod +x application.ods.sh to read this job application
Do you know the term “trust thermocline”?
Basically it described a problem with the boiling the frog technique. There’s a point for every user at which they’re fed up with the bullshit, lose all trust in you(r company) and are hard to impossible to get back as a customer. Every customer leaving has a little unnoticeable effect on you, but with time there will be so many people that you lost that all your tactics to lock your users in will fail.