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[…]perpetuating the mantra of “art for art’s sake” isn’t merely irresponsible—it reinforces the status quo of the capitalist class. It echoes an ethos of "apathy for apathy’s sake.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • That military victory against true guerrillas is possible seems doubtful on the basis of modern experience, barring the use of methods approaching genocide,

    War of the Flea, pg 26

    “Clear and hold” operations, patterned on the French oil-slick technique, failed to remedy the situation, for the obvious reasons. The “clear and hold” strategy is always doomed to failure because the government, while strong enough to clear any given area temporarily, cannot hold many such areas without dangerously scattering its forces. In the face of a determined “clear and hold” drive, the guerrillas simply withdraw and redouble their activities elsewhere.

    War of the Flea, pg 86

    All reactionaries are paper tigers. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality, they are not so powerful. From a long-term point of view, it is not the reactionaries but the people who are powerful.

    Mao - “Talk with the American Correspondent Anna Louise Strong” (August 1946), Selected Works, Vol. IV, p. 100.

    Take the Ultra pill, reject reformism. You have been watching a force of teenagers in adidas track suits with RPGs handling the most well funded and well equip military in the world, in urban warfare. You should be taking notes, Gaza is the climate plan, Cop City = Gaza Strip.

  • Something I consider when I think about, you know, a potential PPW, Party Rockin’ type scenario, whether it be in the US, France, or elsewhere, Germany, what have you, they’re depleting the tools of war at a rapid pace. What are they going to do when they run out of these things? All reactionaries are paper tigers, baby.

    Furthermore, we’re currently watching a group of young men and women battling it out with the most well-equipped military force in the world, backed by the largest empire in the world, dudes in fucking tracksuits, with flip-flops and an RPG, handling business in a corridor that won’t look too much different than Santa Fe, New Mexico. Really makes you think.

    And I have a feeling, the IDF’s operational tactics, the loose goose, shoot em if it moves, carpet bomb em to nothing strategy, it wouldn’t work in Atlanta, it wouldn’t work in New Orleans. Something to think about.

  • Any other Americans kind of tired of like How pathetic we’ve become? It’s like We’ve given up on winning. So we’re just gonna take the ball home “No, you can’t play. We know we will lose and we’re not gonna try to get better.” We’ll just stop playing the game. We won last season so we don’t need to play in season two. It’s pathetic, it’s lame. It’s Disheartening, you know at the very least during the Cold War we competed. You know? The capitalists put their all into it. Oh, we’re gonna go to the moon! You want to go to Venus We’ll go to the moon. We’ll do something to compete with you. To show you that we have some gumption. We don’t even have that anymore. And that’s just sad. What de-industralizing does to a mf. Century of embrassment for the US.

  • The illusionary America we are lead to believe exists is dead. The “We beat the nazis and secured freedom for the world” America is dead. This was obstensibly our creation mythos. Our national myth. It was a way to restart the clock, sure our country was built on manifest destiny, ecocide, genocide, etc, but we redeemed ourselves!

    If you’re posting, you’ve long known of this farce. But the average American? It must be like whiplash to be fed stories of how we “beat the nazis” (USSR killed 75% of em) and “stopped the holocaust” (lol they let it continue even after knowing about it). And now see that no, America is a great evil, we have boots on the ground assisting in mass infant-cide.

    The political line must be the dismantling of all settler-states. This is why no current party will deliver us revolution, they all want to be king of shit mountain. We need to clear away the shit, dismantle these settler states entirely. Just as there is no Israel, only Palestine, there is no America, only Turtle Island.