Woah. How did you hide the tab bar etc. in librewolf? Because it was a real pain in firefox lol.
Also, what wm do you use?
Woah. How did you hide the tab bar etc. in librewolf? Because it was a real pain in firefox lol.
Also, what wm do you use?
AI. And PoW-based cryptocurrency.
I hate news about news. Here is the actual news: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=CWRboGsn-oA
Nintendo makes it as hard as possible to use their computers generically.
Nintendo fanboys: “Thankyou, sir, may I have another?”
You only saw the tabs open on this workspace.
But yeah I don’t have hundreds of tabs open. It is incompatible with my workflow. Only the “tabs” directly relevant to whatever is currently happening in the current workspace are kept open.
A link either gets read or it doesn’t. If I don’t have time to read a link somebody sends me personally, I just tell them that. I don’t string anybody along about a link I know I will never read. I can’t allow for any link backlog. That leads to . . . dark places.
Also, I don’t really use bookmarks either. When I disable search suggestions and use firefox suggest, it leave more space for history. It works so well I don’t really need to bookmark anything. Frequently opened sites make their way to the top on their own.
I’m saying that the world is facing many threats, and all of them need to be addressed. Including some AI.
Would you say then that our efforts to hinder access to dangerous information aren’t working?
Hm. Yeah, banning bots would be better, but it would be more expensive than fighting troll farms with AI. That is valid. Still, I consider AI counter arguments a temporary solution.
Never mind the fake news for a second. Which side has the most reliable real news?
Does it? Doesn’t that threat exist even without AI
Yes. Your point?
In that case, would you object to the posting of detailed schematics on the internet for the creation of nuclear weapons?
This was why I was so furious about Elon Mask’s blue checkmark debacle. He had a chance to prove that a gigantic part of the internet was a) human and b) non-duplicate. I was really shocked by how badly an apparently smart person fucked it up. Not so smart, it turns out.
What makes you say that this new disinformation machine is pro-America?
The South China Morning Post article is a carbon copy of the BI article. That is typical of disinformation outlets. 4/5 of the news is copy pastad from reliable sources, and the other 1/5 is total bullshit. Russia Today operated like that for years, and probably still does.
I’ll have to check out bspwm.
And the chrome.css method is the same as I use. Darn, I was hoping for an easier way.