A wrench, hammer, screwdriver set, and pliers.
A wrench, hammer, screwdriver set, and pliers.
If I were in Olga’s position I’d go create another Natasha account on the same platform and start making videos saying “Hey, Natasha here. I just learned what things are really like in Ukraine and I’m furious about what Russia is doing to innocent civilians. Putin is an evil man. Also my main account has been hacked, please report it so I can get it back.”
If Natasha is Olga then Olga is Natasha. Olga probably has a case to take over the accounts, given they’re videos of her, and start pushing out antiwar propaganda.
Maybe I like mischief too much
The roommate was also Chinese?
Not just any pants, blue jeans! The horror!
There’s plenty of people renting out properties on airbnb all year round. And yes, they’re landlords. These are perfectly good houses someone could live in, but instead they’re used for tourism and money, and not even the kind of tourism money where the hotel owner is actually responsible for cleaning and the full cost of the property. A proper hotel is better for society than a hundred full time airbnbs.
Well, if I lived in a small town I would need to either walk or give little kids asthma to get anywhere. And seeing as I have both a conscience and the pressures of 21st century fast paced living, it’s impossible for me to live in a small town.
Also small towns don’t got any gay bars
Did you tell them they were only expected to work on the assignment during the school term?
Yeah, I figured that out in high school too. I think it just irks me that different students are being graded on a different standard, subjectively speaking. The neurotypicals are being judged on their ability to learn, while the gifted kids are being judged on their ability to explain. Maybe the gifted kids wanna learn too. They’re all told their whole lives the point of school is to learn, and then they’re met with disappointing reality. We expect gifted kids to grow up so fast, and having to explain the material back to the teacher to prove they know it doesn’t help. I wish they got to spend a little longer just being kids.
How do you deal with students who say “my gut says it works this way. This is an easy problem, the answer is obvious. I don’t know how to explain it to you any more simply”?
I mean, it takes 162 pages to formally prove that 1+1=2, but we got by just fine before we wrote down that proof. We just knew the answer, we couldn’t explain how. If a student is gifted, a high school level problem could be as simple to them as 1+1 is to most people. They might know and not be able to explain how. Now, in a university environment I’d expect them to learn the proof, but that’s not the point of high school maths, is it? The point of high school maths is to know how to solve the problem, not to know why the solution works.
Kids cheat when they’re not engaged with the material enough to learn it properly, or when the consequences for not cheating are too much for them to bear.
You gave them an assignment to do when you weren’t actually teaching them, which means there’s no way they can be properly engaged with the material. And you threatened their spring break with sitting in a room alone doing homework if they didn’t get it done fast enough. You created a perfect breeding ground for cheating. Try creating an environment where kids don’t feel that they need to cheat.
When I was in university I never heard of anyone cheating, because we were all treated like adults and we were engaging in material we liked. Try inspiring your students and treating them like adults. That means respecting their free time. If you don’t give them respect as people, you won’t get any respect as an authority.
Mastodon just doesn’t have any users compared to Lemmy I guess.
Mastodon is just a bunch of news articles and people talking like robots. I try to engage and there’s fucking nothing I care about. Anything actually interesting is like half a thought. Like they started talking about a topic but didn’t get to the point before they decided to hit post. Posts from popular accounts talk about electoral politics in a weird clipped manner like a newspaper but even more boring.
I’m pretty sure Mastodon has algorithms. All internet infrastructure runs on algorithms, except for weird experimental AI stuff.
This is a lie. In nature, cats only meow as kittens and grow out of it with adulthood. Adult meowing exists for the express purpose of communicating with humans. So feral cats, if they be adults, would not meow.
The point is to make uneducated workers think you’re tough on immigration, without disrupting your corporate donors’ profits by actually being tough. The point is to visibly harm immigrants, to make a spectacle of cruelty, while secretly letting them in to work as slaves.