Going to a private university certainly isn’t a requirement, and in-state tuition for public universities is much, much lower (but still too high).
Going to a private university certainly isn’t a requirement, and in-state tuition for public universities is much, much lower (but still too high).
Also a bleak winter day is usually mostly whites and blues.
Yeah I’ve opted out every time (a couple times each at three different airports) and haven’t had any issues, the agents I’ve seen knew exactly what to do if someone opts out.
Every airport I’ve gone through that’s doing it has half a dozen signs up as you move through the line telling you that you can opt out by letting them know you want to.
I’ve refused it a few times now and every agent knew exactly what they needed to do.
I’m not sure when you were using it, but Navidrome definitely let’s you play individual songs and shuffle.
fsck almost certainly isn’t going to cause loss of data, but it will likely inform you about a loss that already occurred if that is the issue you are having.
Yeah but also this is only for their EU profit, so it’s really an even higher percentage.
It doesn’t really make sense to talk about money they made in other countries when talking about these fines, as if they make 5 billion in profit in country X and get fined 6 billion, they would still have lost money for operating in the country regardless of how much money they made other places. Since they lost money in the country, that fine would be high enough for them to want to fix their law breaking or totally pull out of the country, and so the fine accomplishes its purpose.
To be fair the glorified babysitter wouldn’t require 4+ years of education on educating children, so they probably couldn’t just be “simply teaching.” This is still an awful idea, they seem to be trying to save money by paying a glorified babysitter a lower wage than a teacher. Private schools can be for profit in some place, I wonder if that applies here.
I’m pretty sure that it’s true that citing sources isn’t really relevant to copyright violation, either you are violating or not. Saying where you copied from doesn’t change anything, but if you are using some ideas with your own analysis and words it isn’t a violation either way.
I would still say that getting people to the point where they can write safe C code every time is harder than learning Rust, as it’s equivalent to being able to write rust code that compiles without any safety issues (compiler errors) every single time, which is very difficult to do.
That’s not right, it’s generative pre-trained transformer.
I think there isn’t usually a statute of limitations for murder.
I agree that there’s no problem now, and also that the percentage they are trying to pay is overly low. I think they should be paying somewhere in the vicinity of 50-70% of the buy price, so that is a terrible rate.
I didn’t say net metering isn’t useful now, I said it wouldn’t work if a large majority of people did it. I don’t see how what you said contradicts that.
No, the burden of providing free energy storage.
Sure, but if everyone does it then it wouldn’t work (no one would be drawing excess when the solar is at peak), so that makes it not very sustainable. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, just that it can’t continue to work if adoption becomes near-universal (it doesn’t seem to be for now). I guess these non-bypassable charges will fix that, but that sounds a lot like what they are talking about (only getting paid some large percentage of the price for energy sent to the grid).
It doesn’t really seem like net metering is sustainable. Say for example someone generates the same amount of electricity they use, in that case they pay $0 for electricity even though the grid has to take the burden of storing the electricity until they use it later in the day.
A scripting language written in Rust would certainly fulfill you requirement of only needing to copy one file since they are always statically linked and you can even statically compile against musl so it will work on any Linux system without needing a correct libc. Maybe check out rhai.
They still don’t have backups on iOS which is a deal-breaker for me.