You’re right, I’m sorry, I really should educate myself about the US beyond the 40+ years of propaganda I’ve had to endure and the absolutely constant, never ending stream of shit across all media I’m the grateful recipient of, thanks to the Internet™. But honestly, I’m kinda scared I’d actually die if I came to visit.
Meanwhile, my experience with China over the last ten years or so has left me regularly wondering, in the grand scheme of things, what the fucking difference is. You both are absolutely insane, from where I live.
But yes, I was totally cherry picking your message. I don’t disagree with you, to be clear. I’m just amused about your choice of epithet.
We have a lovely backup generator on site that turns on anytime an electrical storm is detected within 50km of our DC. That thing is something out of a cruiseship so yeah, I can imagine real huge data centers must be an order of magnitude worse.