Um it’s contextual? Does no ones get nuance anymore? But go ahead, keep looking at the world as black and white.
Um it’s contextual? Does no ones get nuance anymore? But go ahead, keep looking at the world as black and white.
I don’t even know the Neil Gaimen issue itself, but there is a reason we have the phrase “witch trials”. From what I’m hearing, yes, it sounds like separate independently verifiable incidents and the likelihood is true. But to act like there has never been a case of false accusations against people in the past is being disingenuous yourself. Furthmore, you’re resorting to slinging insults and hyperbole more than you are facts and information.
In short: you’re both looking like clowns right now - could you knock it off? You’re not making either side look better.
People can only improve if we allow them to and give them the opportunity. You have the right mindset.
The moment you start thinking about prison in terms of punishment and who deserves worse, you’ve missed the mark. Rehabilitation should be the purpose. There’s a reason other countries have much lower recidivism rates and some of their prisons are like resorts. The point is to nourish the mind, soul, and body to make a BETTER person - not to continue the beatings until morale improves.
Interesting how the save now feature was broken until right up until the US election. Makes it easier to edit news articles on the fly without leaving a trail. Could be a motive for who was behind it - but I’m just speculating.
And a huge amount of items are “3D print this”. This was disappointing. It’s basically just a curated printables list. The stuff listed looked really well designed, but I was hoping for more of a “here’s simple machines and tools to build when you don’t have access to better equipment”
Actual OP here: Christmas is “put on a performance” fake. It’s also many pagan holidays mashed together by the Christians and co-opted when arguably the date of their messiah’s birth was in another time of year. It’s also getting longer and longer so companies can sell more and more crap that just ends up as waste.
Is Festivus made up? Sure. But it’s genuine in it’s disdain for what Christmas has become and is a sincere protest. In the words of Frank Costanza: “As I was raining blows down on him, I realized there had to be a better way”
Do you miss the part where it’s an open rebuttal of the over commercialization of Christmas? Instead of wasting a bunch of time putting up decorations bought simply to fill some billionaires pockets, I’ll put up a steel pole.
Also you’re missing the Airing of Grievances as well. Thats integral. The family fight is gonna happen regardless, so might as well get some therapy out of it and bury the axes while you’re at it. The Feats of Strength will get rid of whatever animosity is left too.
Oh, I’m sorry, did you grow up in a normal, functional family?
Winter? Nah. Love it for many of the reasons already being stated.
But the fake as fuck holiday season that comes with it? Done with it. I’m celebrating Festivus unironically this year. Done with the rest of that shit.
Gondor, stop burninating the countryside!
Ok fine, I’ll give you a cookie too…
Just doing my civic duty
I gave 'em a cookie. Now they’re happy :D
Exactly. Eventually what we see now as cutting edge will become “bare minimum” or even “obsolete” hardware one day. Eventually the camera on your cell phone will by default be taking such high resolution pictures that anything less that a TB of onboard storage will seem quaint.
If you want to search and index it, you don’t want to do that on tapes. It’s doable, but difficult. And what benefits tapes gain in reliability/long term storage, a RAID system would negate. Cheaper large SSDs make these kinds of systems more economical to the average person.
The issue is, every time we make a great leap in storage medium, we tend to use that new storage for BIGGER files. Higher quality media and all that. Back in the day, the average movie file was measured in the MB. Now it’s GB. Think about an old floppy with 1.4 MB of data and how many text files you stored on it. You couldn’t ever imagine needing more space. Then came pictures and music files. Video files. Then higher resolution picture and video files. Suddenly even your text documents aren’t just raw .txt files, but Word documents and interactive PDFs.
As storage improves, what we expect to be able to carry around with us or have in our home computer changes. I’m currently running a home server with 18TB of storage. An amount that I would have never dreamed of possessing 20 years ago, and yet here I am debating when I grab that 24TB drive because I can already see me running out of space in a few months.
This is all to say that I really don’t think there will ever be a maximum amount a user could need. Give them that maximum and in a week they’ll have figured out a way to use it to capacity. I think video games and cartridge/disk size limitations and then the transition to digital games and balloning game size shows my point.
Except the original study wasn’t properly vetted for decades and it really set us back because we blindly followed the wrong path. Science institutions failed this time around. In this case, the money was more of a tragic loss.
We’re in Eternal September now. Have been for a few decades.
How would you even type a “?” with that keyboard. No, I would not use a keyboard that was missing all numbers, 90% of symbols and threw 3 of the keys haphazardly to the side.
This is a joke at best and mostly just waste. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. It’s junk like this that makes the alternate keyboard community look like a bunch of schizos. “Why would I use something that works when I can remove tons of functionality to be cutesy?”.
Hard pass.
No numbers, important keys shoved out of reach… OP expects you to bind OTHER IMPORTANT KEYS LIKE ESC/TAB/SHIFT TO BE BOUND TO Q in order to function…
Might as well just grab a macropad at this point. You’ll almost never use the keys for one thing anyways and you’ll be doing Ctrl+/Fn+ combos constantly.
I woundnt use this even for emulators. A controller would be more useful than this.
Thanks Negative Nancy. Not the point here tho.