By the time you can afford it, the car ain’t important…
This comes closest to what i am looking for…thanks…
This is a bit overkill for my purposes…i just need the filesharing part…
Ich im echten Leben
Been using mine using docker behind an extra vpn container…works beutifully…
Been having a wonderful experience with mailcow on a small vps…
Met Arthur C. Clarke in 1997 in his house near Colombo, Sri Lanka… A friend of my dad had organised the meeting…when we arrived Mr Clarke was sitting in his office watching one of the first Mars rover landings live on CNN…a moment and coincidence which i was only able to understand many years later…
In my personal experience and for my personal needs smb has worked best for me even though it feels kinda “bad” because of the windows background. However that also makes it useful, too, as it is compatible with most os’es…
Security setup is easy. Performance good (in my experience better than sshfs but i am sure sshfs transfers are more secure than smb).