I like to eat things that the bacteria in my gut like, you should look into it. Apparently those guys have a lot of surprising influence on our health.
fuck yeah keep it up
yeah I skipped that one for the same reason but I think I’ll give it a watch today to see what her point is. Maybe mixed markets? If she’s arguing for free market neo liberalism crap then she should probably stick to science.
sabine hossenfelder
is he putting oompa loompa sauce on his burgers?
I removed a small nest from my door frame a few months ago and one larva fell out. It landed on the hot concrete in the summer sun. I empathized and picked it up. I kept it in a jar with a paper towel under a lamp. I checked on it everyday and I thought that someday I’d set it free in my yard. I even daydreamed that it would immediately sting me when I let it go and that just made me laugh a bit. It eventually died and I put it on my bird feeder. I didn’t watch and ai felt sad but it’s gone now.
apparently abolishing the central bank and switching to the dollar