I got oukitel wp19
I got oukitel wp19
Feels like too many phones try to be something special but are afraid to fully commit as fully committing would make the phone look different than your typical phone and often with tradeoffs in other areas. When i got my phone i got it because it has a huge battery(21000mAh) that lasts about 5 days on my regular (quite heavy) use and it is fully waterproof (rated for heated pressure washing and i have tested that it can easily survive being underwater in a hot tub, i also have a habit of sometimes washing the screen with water and soap). The tradeoffs are that it’s built like a brick, weighs half a kilogram and all headphone jacks don’t fit the port because the waterproofing requires the port to be recessed.
That phone just seems like your regular phone with an above average battery
In finnish also same but just replace sun with day. No idea about plumbing though.
Technically excretion does lower the total thermal energy of the body as it is leaving your body with the excretion, but it does not really in itself cool down the temperature of the body as the temperature is the same as your body (unless you define cooling down as negative change in the thermal energy needed to remove to lower object’s temperature to zero K). Though if for example you drink cold water it does cool your body very slightly and urination could be thought of as dumping of used coolant.
For a while i was thinking why are they making a toilet into a propane powered smeltry
At least us finns only have a rivalry with sweden
Some random no context 6s youtube videowould be funny
Yep on desktop it offers basically nothing if you have an adblock and on mobile you can get everything you want by patching
I wouldn’t say it’s always true. If i fry a duck breast in a pan only with fat from it’s skin i would still classify it as frying even when all the fat is from the duck breast.
Im quite sure something like that already exists
I think they are logitech’s switches and cherry mx
It always changes on the day but couple of my favourites are
-corpse reviver No. 2 -absinthe sour -pina colada -bloody mary( with gin instead of vodka and homemade chili sauce instead of tabasco)
From my understanding the big copyright owners basically have a stranglehold on youtube when negotiating how youtube should handle copyright stuff. The current copyright law was not designed to accommodate platforms such as youtube so if they don’t do as the copyright owners say it could result in a long court battle resulting in a decision that youtube itself is the one violating the law for being the one hosting the non-licensed content on their platform.
Not a lawyer and don’t even live in the US so i might not be the most reliable source on this though.
that is a moccamaster machine so i think it has only simple electronics. i would be surprised if there were even a small microcontroller in that machine.
i see those mini peppers surprisingly often
vinegar maybe?
I finally managed to make my coffee table into an usable state but it still needs a bit more wood to become stable and then it needs to be waxed/oiled.
For some reason “cerebrovascular accident” sounds so funny to me, it’s like “uh oh, seems like my brainy-veiny did an oopsie-whoopsie”.
depends on what is the thing you are trying to get off the glass. you’d have to use plenty of water afterwards anyway to get rid of all the sugar so it would need to be something that really needs the citric acid and would not get cleaned with just water