The history of the Australian Labor party is in the union movement. But more than a century has passed since its formation. It has changed from its origins, ironically passing legislation that reduces the power of labor unions.
The history of the Australian Labor party is in the union movement. But more than a century has passed since its formation. It has changed from its origins, ironically passing legislation that reduces the power of labor unions.
Star Trek movie. I forget which one.
Ideally, a person should work what their principles are before they run for politics
I feel like this is a dumb question but why do web engines need constant development? I thought we had an established standard for HTML. Once a web engine matches that standard isn’t that sufficient?
Normally a rower faces the stern of the boat. Which is happening here
Does China have capital flight laws? Can they allow the millionaires to leave whilst retaining the actual material wealth?
Will transitioning to solar hasten the death of the petrodollar? Or perhaps provide resilience against the financial shock?
Or a “helpful” Israeli citizen created it, and the government exploited the opportunity
How much monetary support does Israel receive compared to how much does it earn from exports? I’m looking up their industries and Israel is into diamond cutting, which carries its own ethical issues
If we want an economy with a floor, so no-one is living in poverty, then we also need a ceiling.
They could have done it because of his name, but just not admitted it, or given no reason at all. Systemic racism is hard to prove, which means it can be remarkably persistent
And are there consequences?
It is straight from the neoliberal privatisation playbook. Defund public infrastructure until the public complains, then “fix it” by privatising it
Shhhh, the USA only implements MMT for military spending
Europe is a sacrifice the USA is prepared to make
Those subs won’t arrive for decades though
And also raise the minimum age for serving in the armed forces to 25?
Also is there an alternative to Google Docs?
I am pretty sure that is just a side effect of achieving his actual goals