Or maybe take a paycheck and do substandard job introduce bugs etc.
Or maybe take a paycheck and do substandard job introduce bugs etc.
Such a noble thing to say!
I wouldn’t mind corporate tax breaks to public companies (like ireland gives) as long as the gov’t taxes private wealth enough to fund decent social programs like Ireland.
For its prevalence in usage i always wondered why the iso standard desigation could’t be an easier to remember round number.
I like the concept if disposable CC numbers, but looks like i need to link both to my bank account. Anything like this that can link to another credit card?
Now double dipping is where things get questionable.
It would be the last straw for me as a premium subscriber. Many of the channels i subscribe are putting their better content on nebula anyway.
But its too hard to implement! Give us money! (telecoms probably)
running in the background.
Even then if you don’t use it enough android will remove its permissions unless you override in the android settings.
unless you’re willing to sniff CANBUS codes one by one
This would only be necessary for cars with climate control in the touchscreen right?
Dude definitely had a rapey vibe even after confronted.
Me too… To pour salt in your wound… Did you hear they’re only published on X now?
To get over it, I just remind myself that there are many other talented people working for SpaceX and Gwynn Shotwell runs the day to day operations.
A lot blaming pfas and microplastics, but obesity is up too. According to the cdc that increases risk significantly in 13 types of cancer. Of course now looking up some are linking pfas to weight gain so maybe you guys are right!
You’re downvoted because you’re comparing one day record temp to a full month of record highs.
Yeah I saw a couple videos of people magnet fishing them out. The one amazingly still worked!
So are rentals scooters still popular in US cities or has that trend subsided? Last I heard people were getting fed up finding them everywhere, problems with vandals, etc.
I love Joplin on the PC, but i hate the phone app. I don’t want to do markdown on ny phone.