• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I have to disagree with that, because this solution isn’t free either.

    Asking them to regulate their use requires them to build excess capacity purely for those peaks (so additional machinery), to have more inventory in stock, and depending on how manual labor intensive it is also means people have to work with a less reliable schedule. With some processes it might also simply not be able to regulate them up/down fast enough (or at all).

    This problem is simply a function of whether it is cheaper to a) build excess capacity or b) build enough capacity to meet demand with steady production and add battery storage as needed.

    Compared to most manufacturing lines battery tech is relatively simple tech, requries little to no human labor and still makes massive gains in price/performance. So my bet is that it’ll be the cheaper solution.

    That said it is of course not a binary thing and there might be some instances where we can optimize energy demand and supply, but i think in the industry those will happen naturally through market forces. However this won’t be enough to smooth out the gap difference in the timing of supply/demand.

  • Die Bahnhöfe sind in Privatbesitz, da man durch anhaltende Züge bares Geld verdient.

    Wieso verdienen die Eigentümer durch anhaltende Züge Geld? Es ist doch vermutlich nur das Bahnhofsgebäude in privatbesitz, nicht die Bahnsteige oder der Zugang.

    Generell stimme ich dir aber absolut zu: Eigentum verpflichtet. Wenn das Gebäude/das Grundstück benötigt wird oder der Verfall das Stadtbild verschandelt, dann müss man dem Eigentümer einfach eine Frist setzen. Entweder er macht was aus dem Gebäude oder er muss es abgeben. Nicht kostenlos, aber halt maximal zu dem Preis zu dem er es gekauft hat, minus Wertverlust durch Verfall.

  • It’s a reaction to thinking China has better AI

    I don’t think this is the primary reason behind Nvidia’s drop. Because as long as they got a massive technological lead it doesn’t matter as much to them who has the best model, as long as these companies use their GPUs to train them.

    The real change is that the compute resources (which is Nvidia’s product) needed to create a great model suddenly fell of a cliff. Whereas until now the name of the game was that more is better and scale is everything.

    China vs the West (or upstart vs big players) matters to those who are investing in creating those models. So for example Meta, who presumably spends a ton of money on high paying engineers and data centers, and somehow got upstaged by someone else with a fraction of their resources.

  • Wobei es leider trotzdem Auswirkungen auch auf kritisch denkende und gut informierte Leute wie OP hat.

    Aufmerksamkeit, die vorderen Seiten in den Medien und die Ausdauer falsche Informationen zu berichtigen (was schwerer ist als sie in die Welt zu setzen) sind alles limitierte Güter.

    Merz (und andere wie auch die AfD) erreicht dabei trotzdem ein gewisses Ziel indem er die Themen des öffentlichen Diskurs bestimmt.

  • To me LLT is basically best when it is somewhat similar to old Top Gear, where they do silly projects (which increased in scope with the companies growth).

    For actual reviews on the other hand I’d never really trust them and would always look to other sources like GN or Hardware Unboxed (who e.g. seem to do great monitor reviews) for example.

    But I’ve also scaled back watching the channel to maybe looking at it once or twice in the last year.

  • As a logo the new one seems much worse from a functional perspective than the previous two.

    It has much more and finer details, which I assume will be harder to replicate when printed and look worse the smaller it is. And it’s the only one that includes multiple colours with the American flag on top, rather than being two toned.

    Personally I like Bidens the best out of those three. The first is ok, but the flag looks really weird and again the finer details of the railing on top don’t work for a logo.

  • Nachdem es in diesem und auch sonst praktisch keinem Artikel erwähnt wird habe ich bei der FAZ in diesem Artikel zumindest einen ungefähren Preis für die Rechte gefunden.

    Das komplette Rechtepaket für die EM 2028 soll nach Angaben des britischen Fachmagazins „Sportbusiness“ einen Wert von ungefähr 170 Millionen Euro haben. Das wäre deutlich günstiger als das Rechtepaket für die EM 2024 in Deutschland, für das die Telekom 225 Millionen Euro bezahlt haben soll. Die beiden öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender und das Telekommunikations-Unternehmen wollten diese Zahlen nicht kommentieren.

    Zumindest positiv, dass es wohl deutlich günstiger ist als bei der letzten EM. Und man kann streiten ob es das wert ist, zumindest sind ja die Zuschauerquoten hoch, aber die intransprarenz des ÖRR kotzt mich an.

    Ganz Deutschland hat ein Zwangsabo und sie haben unter anderem den Auftrag als “Medium und Faktor des Prozesses freier individueller und öffentlicher Meinungsbildung zu wirken”. Und dann wird nicht Mal sowas öffentlich gemacht.

  • I would say yes, because as is the real niche communities dont have the size for larger discussions.

    Mainstream communities e.g. about global news already have a decent size. And in many ways it doesn’t make much of a qualitative difference if there are 500 or 10.000 predictable comments. But many smaller communities are still mostly propped up by a few power users providing the majority of content which is not ideal for many reasons.

  • The second one for sure. But i would also argue that Clarkson himself is only part of the industry to some degree, because primarily he is still in the (quite successful) business of producing television. And while he is certainly learning stuff the actual act of running a farm is still primarily done by others.

    On the practical farming side by Kaleb and on the business side by Charlie, who in this case would be the one understanding how the economics between 25p/kg weat and 1.25£ for a loaf of bread work.

  • In favour of better competition I would actually argue the exact opposite at this point.

    On the design side in the x86 space it’s a duopoly with AMD so even though Intel still has good market share due to their past, a weaker Intel means more power for AMD. And we shouldn’t fool ourselves that they wouldn’t use it for their own gains just like Intel did in the past.

    In a broader sense for server chips in general having those engineers at Qualcomm rather than Intel might help might help arm adoption. But that space at least already has some more players than x86. With hyperscalers like Amazon developing their own CPUs, Ampere, or Nvidia planning to enter the space.

    And most importantly as long as design and fab aren’t separated at Intel having one do worse also affects the other side. And the competition is already thin in that space as is, with much much higher barriers to entry for any new competition compared to chip design.