I do not believe asking questions should be labeled as a crisis.
Wake me up when the popover API is in. Might be next version, nice!
“They thought they were free”…
Been here since Europe got flooded with AOL CDs, same.
It’s in the revised “wormhole aliens” edition .
Is this the Southern Air Temple?
Beautiful shot, op!
Personally, I’d use just simple HTML + precompiled CSS in the form of SASS / SCSS. Because modern CSS is actually fun when it’s precompiled :)
There was nothing quite as intense as a ServerSmash in Planetside 2. Which means ~800 people doing joint ops on a single map and everything is highly coordinated.
I think blob fights in EVE are even larger, but this was a first person shooter and also rather arcadey, not a thousand spreadsheets fighting at a server tick rate of 1 ^^
ETA: -webkit-text-stroke is meh, doesn’t look clean at all.
Also, this neoliberal course fucked up education somewhat fierce. We simply can’t deliver the quality anymore as more and more experienced engineers (the main driving force behind those exports) are retiring. And don’t get me started on the terrible internet/cell infrastructure!
Thus solving the problem once and for all! Once. And. For. All.
Damnit this would’ve been my immediate response, too.