• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 13th, 2024

  • Standards are used to increase interoperability between systems. The more different standards a single system needs the harder it is to interface with other systems. If you have to define a list of 50 standard you use, chances are the other system uses a different standard for at least one of them. Much easier if you rely on only a handful instead

  • I think it is reasonable to say: “for all representation of times (points in time, intervals and sets of points or intervals etc) we follow the same standard”.

    The alternative would be using one standard for points in time, another for intervals, another for time differences, another for changes to a timezone, another for …

  • Smartphone cameras are (bad and) very limited. Their sensor is very small and their lenses have to be flat, very small in diameter and cant have moving parts (maybe the aperture moves not sure). All this means they capture very little light on a ultra dense sensor (dense sensors have bleed where one pixel is influenced by the interference of the photons hitting the pixel next to it).

    So they cheat. Wherever they can. They often take multiple pictures at the same time using multiple cameras and overlay them digitally (black/white and color). And of course they need different cameras with different lenses because they can’t have a zoom (moving parts). They also heavily edit the pictures without ever telling the user.

    Often a smartfone image will look better than an unedited image taken by a 5000$+ camera. At least until you zoom in and look at the colors

  • Fines as a percentage of income is a good idea for individuals but I dont think it works for coorperations.

    A more reasonable approach is:

    • 100% of the money they earned/saved by comiting the crime
    • 100% of all damages caused to other people/cost to clean up results of the crime (includes the cost of investigation and prosecution)
    • a fine that represents the likelihood of getting caught. (If the crime earns me 1mil, the fine is 50mil but I only have a 1% chance to get caught, statistically I should commit the crime as many times as possible because I will end up wining in the end)
    • (optionally) a fine based on the crime. This one might be based on the size of the company. This is the “punishment” part. It probably should be payed by the individuals responsible and not the company.

    This third point is the important one. Cooperations comit crimes because they are reasonable monetary investments. If the expected fines are always higher than the expected earnings, crimes become a bad investment.

  • While I agree on the facts I want to offer a slightly different (possible) conclusion: a organisation like wikileaks needs resources and supporters. If they are targeted by all the “good guy”-countries and the only one willing to support them is “evil guy” Russia, then they are not in a position to resist. They chose to compromise their integrity instead of just not existing.

    If the western world wants a whistleblower/leaks organisation that follows journalistic integrity and ethics, they need to fund it even if it leaks their own internal documents.