AGM are absolutely awful compared to even the absolute worst lithium batteries, and won’t last long at all if regularly cycled below even 50% SoC. LFP chemistries are a bit worse for energy density compared to NCA/NCM chemistries, but they don’t contain any nickel or cobalt, and won’t autoignite in the same way other chemistries will. Absolutely ridiculous they’re suggesting lead batteries over better lithium options.
Don’t let the world harden you, and do your best to maintain quality relationships. I have multiple family members who have only gotten more liberal as they’ve gotten older, and have been some of the most accepting of me when I came out as trans, even though they’re in their late 80s and living in rural Texas. Meanwhile, my stepdad was already a bigoted and cantankerous fuck by the time he was 45, living in a fairly liberal area.
Age has nothing to do with it. Allowing yourself to become isolated from others and feeling the world is out to get you seems to be what happens to most people. The speedrun tactic I see for this is retiring and spending 16 hours a day at home with Fox News on the TV.