You more of a tart apple or sweet apple person?
Technically I’m an archaeologist, I guess.
You more of a tart apple or sweet apple person?
Cheese apples sound bomb.
Two of the derailed cars were carrying molten sulfur, which caught fire after the cars were breached… it is believed that the fire is releasing sulfer dioxide
Sulfer dioxide is pretty nasty on a person’s throat and sinuses to breathe and can make fluid build up in the lungs, and it can have longer-term effects if the exposure is sustained.
A little molten sulfur never hurt anybody!
Decent quality automatic cat feeders.
We have 3 cats, and I resisted getting autofeeders for 5 years because it felt silly to buy what amounts to three $75 food bowls.
They paid for themselves the first weekend I didn’t have 3 razor sharp dickheads screaming at me to feed them at 5:15 AM. I should have bought them years ago.
I wonder how much difference one Stinger SAM would have made at Blair Mountain in 1921.
Was the plastic nose thing just more sundowning, or is there a Biden fake nose thing I never heard about?
Grain entrapment is scary.
Vanguard says they can thank the retirement industry for that.
My mom got me this “protection” charm from a woo-ass lady at a farmer’s market once. It was cool looking, so I wore it on a tight necklace that couldn’t slip over my head, and I never took it off.
A couple years later, I was in a nasty rollover car accident that could easily have killed me. I walked away only mildly banged up. I realized later that day that the necklace was gone. I scoured the car and even went to the crash site looking for it. Never saw the thing again.
Paths of Glory is 10/10 stuff. So good.
I didn’t see your Timecrimes rec before posting mine. It’s so well done & I want everyone to see it!
I’m not usually into anime, but Perfect Blue captivated me from the start. Its whole vibe was so engrossing.
I’ll check out some other Satoshi Kon titles. PB is all I’ve seen so far. Any specific recommendations?
The Dead Zone (not that lesser known, but old enough that maybe it’s getting that way)
One, Two, Three (might be better known than I think, since it’s a Billy Wilder movie)
Coherence is fantastic!
Well, we’re a few thousand miles apart, so the pancakes bit might not be feasible lol. On any fun discord servers?
Nah, that one’s true.
Do you live in the US? If so, what region? Wanna go to a movie sometime and then get pancakes & talk about said movie?
I wouldn’t say that I have zero friends, but I certainly don’t have the social circle I wish I had. That worries me for my own future. I’m gonna die someday, and I don’t want to slip into the abyss feeling totally alone.
And the fact that I don’t seem to be an outlier makes me worried for the future health and resiliency of entire communities.
I was kinda hoping that in the current era, political scandals would get a new suffix. Watergate happened 50 years ago, so popular first-hand memory of it is waning.
There was a moment when I thought we could transition to [scandal]-a-lago, but it never happened.