July is probably the peak like the other commenter mentioned, but if you want sunshine pretty much any time between mid-June and the beginning of September is good. If you’re like me and want rainy hikes with clouds clinging to forested mountains, come in October.
Commit a high profile crime.
I somehow didn’t even have delays.
Seems like they made the request, it was really unusually close.
You’re welcome to use it for that if you’d like.
If you live in a red state and want Trump to not get your EC votes, your most likely path to success is voting for Biden and trying as hard as you can to convince people who don’t usually vote to also do so. Voting for RFK won’t change the tally enough.
Not only will his popularity increase, but this just motivated a lot of conservatives to actually get out and vote who otherwise wouldn’t have.
Especially as far as manifestos from high profile cases go.