Tldr. Schulen: Zu teuer und ökologisch nicht vertretbar. Skilehrerverband sieht das Problem nicht, weil “Das haben wir schon immer so gemacht”
Other than the medieval church, global academia has the fundamentals right, imho. The methods are flawed but the general goal is the right one.
The problem in the US is not a fundamental flaw in academia, but lack of political understanding that a state benefits from educated citizens and fundamental research that isn’t immediately monetisable. That resulted in this weird situation, where the most prestigious facilities are just sport centers with a side hustle in education.
In the future the methods of today’s global research will more likely be seen as something like greek philosophers. The goal of generating knowledge was right. The method of just writing down what your two remaining neurons, that haven’t drowned in wine yet, produced and never verifying it, was… let’s call it flawed from a modern perspective.
Programmed emotional support isn’t new. ELIZA was written in 1966 & surprisingly effective given the crudeness of computers at the time
Because they state that free healthcare is automatically bad healthcare. Which, as a general statement, is just wrong.
Free Healthcare is a broad term for dozens of different policies in dozens of different countries. Just because OP’s specific country has problems, doesn’t mean that every single implementation of free healthcare leads to bad healthcare. Also a similar rhetoric is used as a dog whistle by the far right in the USA.
Additionally they are using a specific question about their situation, to rant about a much broader topic. This soapboxing called behaviour is generally frowned upon.
So the comment in isolation is wrong, attention seeking & looks like written by someone who is something between a manchild, that is unable/unwilling to present a nuanced opinion, and a nazi. All of which are imho criteria for a downvote.
Man riskiert halt lebenslange psychologische Schäden bei anderen. Schuldgefühle lassen sich nicht unbedingt mit “De Jure hast du aber alles richtig gemacht” besänftigen. Deshalb ist “Ich riskiere mich ja nur selbst” in quasi jeder Verkehrssituation falsch. Verkehr ist ein Gruppenprojekt, ob man will oder nicht.
Da hilft auch kein Rumgemäckel, das einem ein Zeitungsartikel nicht die nötigen Informationen für eine Statistische Auswertung liefert, oder irgendwelche physikalisch fragwürdigen Zusammenhänge zwischen Gewicht und Gefahrenpotential aufzustellen. Wenn du am öffentlichen Verkehr teilnehmen willst, hast du dich an die Regeln zu halten. Ansonsten bist du ein egoistischer Arsch, dem die eigene Bequemlichkeit wichtiger ist als die Sicherheit anderer.