I used to use libreddit or teddit. But they are unviable now because of the amount of requests. So I sometimes try to check if there is something interesting about SSBM, which is the only subreddit that is not on lemmy which I’m kind of interested in, but I get the same error many of the times. But it doesn’t really matter, if you ignore reddit’s existence, you will feel no attachment to it.
I use budspencer theme on fish. https://github.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/blob/master/docs/Themes.md#budspencer-theme It looks cool and yellow, which I like. I prints the path on the far right and parent folders are printed only with initial letter, so it doesn’t take 2 lines in the shell and it ends up pretty short. It also has git integration and some budspencer exclusive commands to perform some cools actions, I don’t care about and I have never used. Also, I like that command errors are displayed as ✔ or ✘ on the next prompt. It also prints the time the last command has been running. I use vi keybidings, so prompt color changes when I change the mode feel cool. I would also like to have the execution time for every command, but I have another theme for that I don’t remember the name of on my work machine.