Alrighty . Thank you for answering. I’m definitely not hesitant anymore. I’ll ask some friends like I said and see if I can give it time . Thank you very much
I like cats!
Alrighty . Thank you for answering. I’m definitely not hesitant anymore. I’ll ask some friends like I said and see if I can give it time . Thank you very much
Ohh 😭 okay . Alright I will ask a few friends who also would love to collaborate. We recently worked on a GAN and we’re looking for resources . Thanks for the advice I’ll definitely think about it.
I would love to do that . It’s just that I find myself incapable and also I’m just a student right now , making a community would mean being some sort of an expert no?
But yeah I’ll absolutely love to do that some day.
I’ve noticed that all the Sync users are polite and never bash any other Lemmy client. Maybe because they know that we have a choice and they do too. I’ve got money to spare I will spend it on arguably the best app for Lemmy . You guys can use your FOSS . I never complained . Why are you??? Enjoy your clients. There are many. We have got an array of choices. That’s awesome. Lemmy wins.
-Happily posted via Sync Ultra
Thank you very much. And yes I’ll definitely think about it. Although I still wonder 🤔 if I’ll be able to give it time but I’ll make one if I can make some time. I’m sure there are many other new Lemmy users who would love a programming community. Thanks for the pointers .