thanks. i took a moment to find it (boost). but it now leads me back to the OP question…
if a crosspost came up during my lemmy scroll, it will probably look exactly the same as if i had made the post to each community individually. so is crossposting a meaningful alternative?
i have been on lemmy since the reddit exodus and use it every day… even post from time to time and i have no confidence at all about what cross-post means, or how to carry it out, or what the results look like.
i am sure that it’s very simple, but…?
it seems like you didn’t quite get the responses you were hoping for.
i appreciate your questioning and attempt to reframe the JFK speech in a modern context. it makes sense to me that he might have been speaking about some underground conspiracy which is still in operation today.
well done. best philosophical/psychological post in the thread.
i find life so unsatisfying that if, when i die, the afterlife has any resemblance AT ALL to this current reality, i am going to be fucking pissed.
like, any version of occupying a physical body in some sort of 3-dimensional space and surrounded by other physical beings is just, so… ugh.
i am over it.
i wouldn’t normally be controversial in the family chat, but it was a rare opportunity to make a simple point. he probably hasn’t seen it yet, but it spurred a great discussion among the rest of us.
the following is a thread in six parts…
1/yesterday, while riding in the truck with dad, he suggested that he might get an account on Twitter and plead Mr Musk to give him $100k. i thought maybe he was joking, but this suggestion was in earnest. dad, you are very close to the solution…
2/1-tax the shit out of Musk. 2-apply that money to social programs which provide solutions to the basic needs of all Americans.
3/dear dad. you are right that Musk has enough money that $100k is a pittance to him. you are right that you have needs that deserve to be met.
4/you are wrong to imagine that capitalists will EVER give up their wealth willingly (even if you ask pretty please on Twitter).
5/you are wrong to think that you are the ONLY person who deserves to have their basic needs met.
6/welcome to “the struggle”, dad. ♥️
a couple of years ago i found myself in a similar rutt as yours… all day in bed consuming various media with the lights off. no physical activity.
looking back over the past couple of years, the first step was establishing a very simple routine. physically GET UP out of bed upon waking and turn on the lights! commit to a simple physical workout… 15 push-ups first thing. put your shoes on and go OUTSIDE for a short walk.
very simple changes. one simple thing at a time. but stay consistent and allow yourself to FEEL SATISFIED with the consistency.
add new actions to the routine slowly and deliberately. always be kind and supportive of yourself.
eventually, you will get to the point where you can trust yourself to follow thru with seeing a doctor who may be helpful with managing your physical symptoms. going to the doctor may be a good intermediate goal to look forward to while you are building your basic routine.
this should be a self-reinforcing process. it will probably take many months and years to find your own rhythm. but every single day, remember to acknowledge and be satisfied with building slowly and consistently.
good luck buddy. i think you will be okay.
i just wanted to say that what you wrote here is beautiful and it helps me clarify my thoughts. ♥️
i think it is incredibly unfair that the process of ending your own life is, in this culture, a necessarily lonely and grim affair.
according to the theory of complete bodily autonomy the option must be available, simple, painless, and ideally a joyful shared experience. but the moment you make such a desire known to others, they will try to “help” you. and i can assure you that their idea of “help” will not be pleasant for you.
so, sadly, you must tread this path alone.
philosophically, i think it offends people because it forces them to acknowledge that their own life is probably not worth preserving. we force each other to suffer through it all because no one wants to openly admit that this shit just plain-old-sucks.
i second this request. please
i got to spend 30 minutes in the doctors waiting room last week and they had a pop playlist running. i rarely listen to (any) music these days and spend my time in public with earplugs jammed in my ears.
the music coming from those speakers was ungodly distracting, aggressive, poorly constructed and LOUD. i brought it up to my family and they told me i sound like an old man (45).
i don’t think it’s just my age.
it’s not as though it is a thing to be admired, like a work of art… it’s a fucking gun. that is what you do with guns.
this is where the video was taken of two women, above whom had formed a small electric storm disturbance causing their hair to stand on end.
this is a joke about Steven Wolfram’s ‘cellular automata’. FYI