Even if you think that HB was or will be unfairly treated, look at the size of the ethical door that was just opened. Of all of the “norms” that could have been broken, this is the one?
what percentage of short-form video is AI now? I feel like all of the youtube short videos I get suggested are either AI or short clips of full videos.
Keep in kind that there is a geopolitical orientation in law. What is written here may not apply in all regions, nor all types of legal procedure.
May I suggest that you give Vlad Vexler’s youtube a listen? He describes this as a period of dlweaking democracy, but explains why all is not lost.
I switched to niri about a year ago. It’s perfect for those who like tiling WMs but want a more natural flow, without constant window resizing.
Niri with waybar, fuzzel, and tessen give a pretty complete desktop.
Rich ones will
Do the doors open away from each other? So that you can m9ve stuff from one to the other?
I have a 2-in-1 due to space restrictions.
I think that first you have to start by admitting two things:
After that, you can look at why the Democratic parties fail to appeal to Americans, and try to reform them.
If you go outside of democracy to gain democracy, then you probably lose what’s left of your democracy.
I have no problems with the action, and I have no problems with his attitude.
The effort to isolate Russia is an acceptable result of the Russian violent invasion. Russian citizens are not to blame for their nation’s behaviour, but they do share responsibility.
Removing contributes from the maintainers list is not an extreme action, but it is important as a statement.
As for not feeling the need to defend the Russian citizens, it is nearly righteous for people from nation’s that have been bullied by their neighbours.
He went beyond that. “As a Finn, do you really expect me to up in arms to support the Russians…”
Bravo, slow-clap.
US legal mechanisms for internationally enforcing US law are not like domestic enforcement mechanisms. The scenarios that the pro-China folks here are talking about involve a (completely unrealistic) switch in Taiwanese allegiance, that would make US economic enforcement less relevant, and US military enforcement a serious international risk.
There are just a lot of tankies commenting, and you have to be able to interpret their logic.
Do you think China could soak enough capacity to get TSMC to turn away from all of its major customers? Isn’t most of their industrial design focused on consumer products with automaton, not high end chips? Are there many high end Chinese chip designs?
The CCP definitely have more say in Chinese tech than the US Government has over US tech. In China, the government controls industry, in the US industry controls government. That said, both are likely backdoored.
You are forgetting that Taiwan has an interest in supporting the U.S. led sanctions.
his community can get pretty toxic, predgidist (sp?!?) but also just hostile and combative.
Y’'all don’t have community/rec centers?
I thought that LORA was optimized for low data throughput? Running WIFI over such a link would suck.
You can advocate for hungry people after eating a meal. You can advocate fornsex worker rights even if you are a virgin.
You can’t tell people you are “working class” if you’re rich. You can’t advocate for punishing day people while pretending to be straight.
It is not complicated.