Time to buy some shares, I guess.
Thank you, but I was talking about heat generated by the fires and compound build-up (eg: co2), while the last one might bring its effects later.
Just to be sure, I talk about these figures, not the global climate deregulation.
Couldn’t the massive fires (energy and compounds generated) exacerbate these values?
Don’t make me say what I didn’t say.
Yes, people didn’t get my comment. We don’t have all the choice and luxury to work for a great company or good project. In old Europe, a 1 WFH was an ultimate privilege before COVID. Nowadays, It should be choice, I don’t mind coming 2 days a week but it to be a “mandatory minimal” 2 days is a bit ridiculous. Still, If I have my own or max 4 seats offices, I’ll be okay with it.
jeez, using boomer at every sauces is so cringe. grow up, little fluid-anime keyboard warrior.
I could trade my WFH for a room with a view and a door. :) fuck openspace and flexdesks!
what about pharmaceutics ? “oh no, they couldn’t, it is heavily regulated and it is science, b*tch!”
I would have expected something with Atheros, they were known to be FOSS friendly. but yeah, I didn’t encounter such chip for a while now. I don’t mind too much the drivers are closed sources - even though Broadcom is known to be a pain in the ass - as long as the “OS” and control software are opensource.
many thanks all and especially @SmoochPooch@lemmy.world I didn’t know that Ubiquiti APs could be “jailbroken”. Hopefully, I have never upgraded those :)
Not opensource, I don’t want to install their stuff on my smartphone (bluetooth and position required) or need a VM. I am not fond of leaving such blackbox devices on my network which needs cloud! EDIT: OH and I remember the issue with the control software due to MangoDB drama.
It is used for now on guest only network, sure I use Wireguard on top but still, find it annoying. And tbh, it has been suggested and the to-go solution but I notice that people are just blindly recommending what they read chatty techie’s blogs.
thanks @Palitu!
seems not much. for sure, you should avoid fosscam! pure shit
kudos pal!
cloud is overrated.
But when corruption doesn’t let the science happens? You know, in 2020.