Invite-only and no clear way to get said invites
Invite-only and no clear way to get said invites
Thanks! Need to see if they have documented their datasets AND are actually public
First i hear about it, any links?
Where can i order a few bottles of this one?
Revolt, can be self-hosted and all, not federated
Missing: instant preview. If the implementation is just syncing a file, then that works, otherwise it’s the same thing
And now the upcoming administration wants to privatize even MORE shit
Leopards, faces, yadda yadda
From what i understand they wanna fill the workforce void with kids
I have reliably upgraded Mint in place the last, dunno, 5-6 major releases or so, works exactly as well as Ubuntu’s
Right the fuck now Europe needs to eliminate or at least HIGHLY reduce dependency on America in all fields
I fully understand the argument and kinda agree. That said, here’s why i still use the Telegram self-chat just like OP, you can suggest a note-taking app replacement if you think:
Gimme a note taking app that has all these, that is not a big program needing lots of resources to run all the time, and that i can self-host for the server part (or E2EE P2P like Syncthing) and we’re cooking!
Since i use the self-chat on Telegram a lot i’ve wished for exactly the same thing in the past as i’m planning on leaving the service, so far haven’t found a right fit yet
Okay, I’m going to start using “the panda colored ball” to refer to football balls just to annoy my football fan friends
Heh, hadn’t seen KDE like this in ages, it’s been a while
In that line, is there an open standards, no Google required answer to the Chromecast?
We’re seeing the fallout from a commercial service used for public interest communication falling in real time with Twitter, so many public service things that depended or still depend on Twitter have outright broke as it turns into raw sewage and people flee it. That should have NEVER been the main communications medium, and now the price is being paid. I understand as i too am in a place where WhatsApp is near-mandatory, but this is something that WILL have bad consequences sooner or later.
Ah fuck, i was thinking of buying one of those at some point in the near future since those seem to be the first FDM ones that can print tabletop miniatures in decent quality…