• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 20th, 2023


  • I fully understand the argument and kinda agree. That said, here’s why i still use the Telegram self-chat just like OP, you can suggest a note-taking app replacement if you think:

    • Paste a link, instant preview of it without user intervention, can play it right on the app if it’s audio/video if i want or get a preview of it if it’s just a page without opening a full browser (this puts it automatically above a “synced notepad” which is what i understand note taking apps tend to be)
    • Synced across devices
    • Both desktop and mobile
    • Private, no one else sees it
    • Easy and convenient, i usually have Telegram running already, just switch to it on browser or desktop and copy or paste the thing

    Gimme a note taking app that has all these, that is not a big program needing lots of resources to run all the time, and that i can self-host for the server part (or E2EE P2P like Syncthing) and we’re cooking!

  • We’re seeing the fallout from a commercial service used for public interest communication falling in real time with Twitter, so many public service things that depended or still depend on Twitter have outright broke as it turns into raw sewage and people flee it. That should have NEVER been the main communications medium, and now the price is being paid. I understand as i too am in a place where WhatsApp is near-mandatory, but this is something that WILL have bad consequences sooner or later.