Me, punk rock and metal. Mostly 90s punk bands and also some.newer pink bands, but typically those with the 90s skate punk …and funnily enough, one called ‘make war’.
Kids, Tay Tay, Olivia rodrigo, dua lipa, imagine dragons
Me, punk rock and metal. Mostly 90s punk bands and also some.newer pink bands, but typically those with the 90s skate punk …and funnily enough, one called ‘make war’.
Kids, Tay Tay, Olivia rodrigo, dua lipa, imagine dragons
Obtained my motorbike licensed recently…really enjoying learning how to get good at riding a motorcycle…I don’t get time.tonride as it is and I really need to make time to do slow manoeuvres as this is what is required to pass the next stage of licensing.
I love seeing live music, however, where I love it’s just not an option to do each week. I love listening to records… me and the kid put a record on when doing the housework…teaching them the ways!
Used to play video games every day for a few minutes…but haven’t played one in 5 months.
Love baking baguettes, couronnes, bagels, pizza
Mine would have to be Chanel 9 Neus from The Fast Show…90s UK sketch show with Paul Whitehouse. The whole segment cracks me up every time… they had one each episode. It’s done so well, and all without breaking character.heth-eth-eth-eth, meth-eth-eth, peth-eth-eth… Pi pis na… boutros boutros gali
Links to my favourites:
Have also been a fan since '92! Fat Mike, and I know it wasn’t just him, but he kinda went off the rails there for a bit. For a while… it got me down…I guess it was a ploy to stay a little relevant, or to get out of a business deal.
I’m not agym.go-er or a trainer… aerobic workouts. I lost 30kg over 12months just by walking 10000 purposeful steps a day and doing 2 rounds of interval training (HIIT) a night. Once my fitness came back/got some fitness, I started introducing weights… and more importantly, I watched what I ate. Specifically, i stopped all sometimes foods and stopped eating bread. This worked for me. But you can’t go from little to no exercise tomall the exercise. Work up to it
Someone clipping their nails
I know I’ll get shit…I bought a 2004 Subaru Impreza new…and ran it for 15 I years…it never missed a beat. I put 110 thousand kilometres on it in that time. I loved driving it every time. Had it serviced when it needed. I sold it because I pivoted around a cement pole in a parking lot. Bit of damage to a door. Moved onto a WRX after that… again, it has never missed a beat. No issues whatsoever.
I can’t think of any more examples, but bands that rework an old popular song and keep parts of the melody and make a new one. Both examples I know of are teen spirit/rape me by Nirvana… and linoleum/linewleum by nofx and are both, imo, reflections of what gained them a larger following. Can you name some more?
My daughter and her netball team are having a session at flip out. It’s 4pm and I want to go home. I have things to do. We’ve been out since 8am.
First flight ever was Qantas business class from Sydney to London. I was 12
Yes, and I love it. It’s so much have more control and I find it more responsive when putting your foot down compared to the cars with stop and go.pedals
$70 Australian… which is still like $40usd on a good day
Vinyl records… 25 years ago you could hardly buy them . I listen to punk and they never gave up on the format and so it was cheap and collectible because print runs were small… from 2010 onwards, they came back in fashion and the major labels started clogging up the pressing plants and then pre-orders became a thing and the price started creeping up…now, in my country a vinyl that used to be $20 is now pushing $55 and mainstream artists are pushing $70 …my desire has really waned… I’m priced out of finding new artists because I can’t buy everything all the time like I used to.
Four more years!
Edit: It’s a propagandhi song about how ridiculous the process is
Film sack
Dr Karl
Star wars minute
Mr Ballen
All around science
The morning stream
These I listen to regularly. I have subs to many limited series around true crime (the teachers pet, shandees story, liar liar, the night driver) and other subs to podcasts listed here eg behind the bastards and some podcasts centered around pink bands and punk music but I rarely have time to listen to these regularly.
I was thinking the t-shirts/clothing
Same… 35kgs for me… I’ve put about 10kg.back.on…but im less active than I be to get the weight off