So cool!! Mercury is definitely the most mysterious inner planet due to its difficulty to get a space probe there even though it’s the closest planet.
The spacecraft will arrive next year, and I can’t wait for all the Science it will uncover!
I like programming and anime.
I manage the bot /u/
So cool!! Mercury is definitely the most mysterious inner planet due to its difficulty to get a space probe there even though it’s the closest planet.
The spacecraft will arrive next year, and I can’t wait for all the Science it will uncover!
If you are being intentional about its use, then you can get a lot out of it. But for some, maybe even most, YouTube is a distraction.
Just because you can get part of your education remotely or through self-learning didn’t mean “anything can be learned online”.
And if you were hiring a math tutor for your kid, would you prefer a self-proclaimed expert from watching YouTube videos or would you want someone who got a degree from a credentialed university? And even if you don’t care, why are you surprised that others would be skeptical of the YouTube expert?
Remote learning can be fine for some things, and self learning through informal channels are also fine, but it’s not a full on replacement for formal education in all cases.
No sorry, that’s just fundamentally false. You can’t just learn titration techniques from watching a video. You can’t learn phlebotomy without an instructor watching you do it to a patient. Hell, you aren’t learning how to drive a car from playing a video game.
And I’m not sure where you are pulling the “if you are that powerful” from. You really have an ax to grind don’t you.
Ah yes, I’m sure the formal training received by doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers, and engineers is just an over-hyped “education” that can all be replaced by online MOOCs.
There are real problems with education, especially with the costs, but “anything can be learned online” is the worst take I’ve heard in a long while.
I feel the opposite. We should have mandatory voting for all federal general elections. Treat it like jury duty or taxes - voting is a civic duty. You should be compelled to cast a ballot even if you leave it blank because you have no preference.
Of course, this can only workwith automatic voter registration and 100% mail-in ballots.
One of my favorite achievements from a space agency. I hope we can return back to the Saturnian system with more landing probes!