Oh my gosh the conspiracy theories would be so much if Trump died because a Tesla caught fire with him inside.
Oh my gosh the conspiracy theories would be so much if Trump died because a Tesla caught fire with him inside.
It’s the same “there must be out-groups for the law to bind but not protest, and in-groups for the law to protect but not bind” that it has always been with conservatism.
They are bad people, and we should stop treating them like they just have a harmless difference of opinion.
Not the person you’re responding to, but I think we should have open borders*. The whole “you were born here so you’re cool” thing is archaic and cruel.
We could use some of the immense wealth of the ultra wealthy to build more housing and infrastructure. (This is a US-centric visualization, but in case you forgot how much wealth is concentrated in so few humans: https://eattherichtextformat.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/ )
*I would mandate vaccinations and similar for entry, but would provide them free of charge. So not quite “unconditional” but I think “no measles, please” is a pretty understandable condition. Unless you’re some parts of the US right now, I guess.
I want to live in a walkable, urban, area, so probably the beach house. Maybe down by Coney Island.
This reminds me of “startup culture”. CEOs are like “we have to move fast and break things! Look at this successful startup that did!” but don’t think about the thousands of startups that also were reckless, and then failed.
Yeah, wake me up when they start arming and actually resisting.
Rallies are fine but they’re not enough. Conservatives need to be removed from power.
The capitalist systems that created this living hell need to be dismantled. We shouldn’t settle for homeless people on the street whole the ultra wealthy have private yachts and multiple mansions.
Right wingers are such whiney trash.
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Hoping for more visitations from Saint Luigi upon certain people. Shit is bad out here.
I’ve used credit cards for (oh gosh i’m old) many years and never carried a balance nor paid a fee. I could probably optimize harder (eg: finding cards with higher rewards), but that would probably be more effort than it’s worth.
But as others have said, that’s not always easy. I knew a guy years ago who just maxed out his cards and then to his surprise he got in a lot of trouble. I don’t really know what he expected to happen. We lost touch but last I heard he’d finally managed to turn his life around, but it was a lot.
Right. And that probably leads to criticism of capitalism (the owners want to make more money more than anything else). Or at least the primacy of money (this small developer put ads in his app because he needs money or society will let him die)
I think a lot of people have internalized parts of our society and don’t really look hard at them anymore. Like, “if you don’t labor you’ll be allowed to die of exposure” is kind of fucked up. So is “you don’t have to labor if you have enough money. Then you don’t need to do anything at all, and you can live a nice life”
Saw one of these that had the Nazi in the back and a maga-hat in the front.
Unemployment not helping. And all the ownership class seem to be salivating over replacing their workforce with AI. Who’s going to buy anything when we’re all out of work?
Zitron’s posts are generally pretty good.
He doesn’t really propose effective solutions, though, I don’t think. Like, yeah you can tell people that the internet sucks because some assholes made it that way. But if it wasn’t these assholes, it’d be some other assholes. And we’re not going to get most people to care about things.
The problems are structural.
The megacorps need to be broken up, at the very least.
The ultra rich need to not exist anymore. Either because they were taxed down to size, or they met the guillotine.
Without touching those parts of the problem, nothing’s going to get better.
I’m reminded of some garbage post I saw in the hell known as LinkedIn. Some soulless suit was saying “Don’t do PRs - just let your team merge directly to production.” I didn’t engage with it because I hate everything about LinkedIn and its clickbait trash feed, but “it protects you from a lone disgruntled employee” was one of the reasons I thought about.
Big “y tho” response from me
i feel like we should… do something about Liberty Counsel, then?
Like, the right wing protests abortion clinics and murders people. Why don’t we find where Liberty Counsel’s leadership lives and… uh… you know, we just wanna talk to him.
Instead I would like us to insist, with as much force as necessary, that parity with men is not a treat benevolently bestowed upon us, nor a kindness that can now be rescinded.
(emphasis added)
Yes, but I don’t think a lot of people are ready for this. As soon as someone’s like “Maybe when someone threatens to kill you, you should hit them first” it’s all “violence is never the answer” and “We have to compete in the marketplace of IDEAS”
At some point, people are going to need to fight for respect and rights again. And that might mean putting people like Tate in the ground.
Not mad about it. Fuck trump. Also golf kind of sucks in terms of environment and public access to green spaces.
Are they remaking it with the same bizarre D&D 3.x rules system? I think I’d pass. Those rules were bad.