Extra, the green mint is my favorite but every once in a while I’ll pick a different color. To me, extra is the only gum where the flavor lasts longer enough to be worthwhile.
Please wait. Before the suffix -gate goes away for good I want a fence-related scandal that we can call gate-gate. Then it can be retired.
I really like the stuff but that description is TOO accurate.
I wrote out 1 check per month to my son’s (4y/o) dance studio. I shall initially write the wrong year on every check from now through April.
My last apartment had a low-pile carpet in the kitchen. That house was “planned” about as strictly as the English language.
Time. My wife is a school teacher and I’m an engineer at a place that shuts down from Christmas through new years. I absolutely love having no schedule and just waking up every day with the kids and figuring out who were going to see and how were going to spend our time. It’s an absolute luxury and I love it so much.
We switched my son’s Pre-K for a number of reasons. Mostly because they didn’t have room for him in the older class (where he belongs), but also because it was kinda trashy, kinda franchisee, and every day we dropped him off he was crying and clinging harder and harder. The new school is just some lady running something out of her house.
A friend asked him what he’s thankful for last night and he said, “My new school” 😭😭
I was just about to point out that the map is missing a small “yinz” enclave around Pittsburgh/Johnstown
Similar to my experience. I enjoyed reading but hated the process of finishing a book, finding a new, one, and getting started again. T. Clancy books were my go-to because they were interesting enough and WAAAY longer than they had to be so I could just keep on reading.
I chafe a lot, so I’m pretty specific about the shorts I wear. When it gets cold I tried switching to tights but I found that no matter what kinda tights I was wearing, I still got chaffed pretty bad. I even had runs where pubic hair from my left leg got tied in a knot with pubic hair from my right leg.
The last 2 years I have just been using my summer shorts, and I just put loose sweats on top of them. It worked from a chafing perspective, but they were heavy, and picked up a lot of slush from dragging on the sometimes snowy trail.
This winter I will do basically the same thing, but I got slightly nicer running pants since the sweats hit end-of-life.
On my dryer, mirrored from the holes for the hinge, latch, and contact switch, there are another set of holes that have been punched out and covered with plastic caps.
I’m not 100% sure, but I think you could take off all that hardware, move the caps, and flip the door to the other side if that would work better for your setup.
I don’t really use the Garmin recommendations, but a friend helped me get slightly better recommendations.
By default, Garmin creates HR zones based on % of max HR. Set this way, it was suggesting that I do most runs at a brisk walk.
In the User Settings of the device, you can define your HR zones by % of Heart Rate Reserve instead. I still don’t really use garmins recommendations, but at least now the recommendations are a more reasonable pace.
Years ago, my friends hosted a garlic-themed dinner. I rode a motorcycle there, and it was raining on my way home.
For the rest of my life, I will remember having to choose between opening the face shield and blinding myself, or closing the face shield and choking myself on garlic fumes.
My guess is that 2 mutually garlicked people will be able to smell each other.
I think breast milk might hold the secret to the answer here. When our baby was newborn and breastfeeding, she was healthy and strong and everything, but BARELY ate enough to sustain and grow. She would go 5+ days without pooping with no signs of constipation. The doctor told us “don’t worry about it. Breast milk has all she needs. Nothing more, nothing less”.
That’s a risky thing to wish for. Could be awesome! Could be an unwatchable green screen nightmare.
I would absolutely have a blast being a full time stay-at-home Dad. We would hit every Park, library, zoo, and aquarium within a days drive.
Then during the summer, I’d pass their kids to their grandparents house so my wife and I could find a place to SCUBA for 2 weeks straight.
Have you ever played on boardgamearena? It’s a website where you can join a bunch of board games with people around the world. When it’s your turn, you have a certain number of hours or days to make your move (kinda like old timey chess by mail) and then go back to your life. You can be in many games at a time.
This is what my Mom always does. If you grow up eating sauce without sugar, then it it just tastes wrong.
I’m not saying my sauce is better than sauce with sugar in it, I’m just saying that’s not what I grew up with. For me, I can only rate sauces on a scale of 1-“exactly my Mom’s”
This is a post right now because prices have (hopefully) temporarily spiked. My grocery store had a sign apologizing, blaming avian flu+high demand, and promising to keep their process competitive. I think 2 bucks is normal for us too but right now they’re over $5.