There is one usb drive in an nvme enclosure without their own power supply. I know the brand and I can find the chipset however what I need to understand is the issue from the logs.
The error usb 2-4: Enable of device-initiated U1 failed. seems common for USB devices not working.
What does it point to and what to look for to understand it?
PS: Just for curiosity I did swap the enclosure days ago and the cable but had the same issue, so the error message is not specific to it. Also I was using this enclosure as the main disk for one of my PI with no issue, so power via USB or cable should not be the problem. Not that I want to use that as metric, I need data/logs from the OS.
Thanks for sharing. I agree with you 100% and I think everybody commenting here does. The whole point of the thread however was to understand if/how you can identify the location of the problem without guessing. The reality is I got to the conclusion that people… don’t. Like you said people know ZFS is fussy about how does he speaks with the disks and the minimum issue it has it throws a tantrum. So people just switch things until they work (or buy expensive motherboards with many ports). I don’t like the idea of not knowing “why”, so I will just add on my notes that for my specific usecase I cannot trust ZFS + OS (TrueNas scale) to use the USB disk for backups via ZFS send/recieve.
I would like to add that I am not trying to
my main disk with a usb one. I just wanted to copy the zfs snapshots on the usb drive once a day at midnight. ZFS is just (don’t throw stones at me for this, it is just my opinon) too brittle to use it this way too. I mean when I am trying toclean
/recover the pool it just refuses (and there is no one writing on it).In my case there was no switching however. It was a single nvme drive in a single usb line in an enclusure. It was a separate stripe to just recieve data once a day.
Not without good logs or debugging tools.
I decided I cannot trust it so unfortunately I will take the usb enclosure with the nvme, format it with etx4 and use Kopia to backup the datasets there once a day. It is not what I wanted but it is the best I can get for now.
About better solutions for the my play-NAS in general, I am constrained with the ports I have. I (again personal choice - I understand people disagree with this) don’t want to go SATA. Unfortunately, since I could not find any PCIe switch with ASM2812I (https://www.asmedia.com.tw/product/866yq74SPBqRdtgC/7c5YQ79xz8urEGr1) I am unable to get more from my m2 nvme pcie 3x4 (speed loss for me is not an issue, my main bottleneck is the network). It is interesting how you can find many more interesting attempt at it in the PIs ecosystem but not for mini PCs.