There are providers that do not provide you your own IPv4 address, with a feature called “CGNAT”. Often, they will then block you from port-forwarding altogether.
My opinions are my own.
There are providers that do not provide you your own IPv4 address, with a feature called “CGNAT”. Often, they will then block you from port-forwarding altogether.
I thought after s2 of Discovery, something exactly like that was already a thing?
Or am I misremembering, it’s been a while.
That would be awesome!!
We then know exactly what products to buy because America first! Trump is doing an awesome job and he should really go through with this idea. Maybe if someone tells him privately, then he can say he thought of it.
Belgium really has some awesome comics! I always thought a bunch of them were Dutch, as they were written in Flanders.
Was quite a funny moment when I figured out most of my favourites were Belgian.
Grappig genoeg, net een “Lemmy”-instance opgezet om weg te gaan van Reddit 😅
Daarnaast ook even met de hoge drukspuit m’n tuintegels schoonmaken met dit heerlijke weer.
I’ve recently been enjoying Fritz-Kola, which is a german brand of cola. I was also super happy to learn that Red Bull is european!
Gaben is pretty chill, ngl
Een klein beetje wel en niet, want ik vind het lastig om ‘Amerika’ de ‘schuld’ te geven wanneer er zoveel inwoners zijn.
Echter ben ik wel kritischer geworden in mijn eigen vrijheid, zoals bijvoorbeeld stoppen met regulier sociale netwerken die vooral beheerd worden door Amerikaanse bedrijven.
YouTube en Google gaan bijvoorbeeld wel lastig worden voor mij.