Controversial nazi salute does seem to describe the situation most accurately, it’s just the fact that it’s controversial is bonkers.
Controversial nazi salute does seem to describe the situation most accurately, it’s just the fact that it’s controversial is bonkers.
I love going from “how tf?” to “the madlad actually did it” in seconds
Very polarising indeed, almost electric
You wanna go back to BBS? Cause I’ll go back to BBS
Retail stores rarely carry a phone older than two years, as long as they push new phones every year, people will be buying those phones.
OEM’s could have like 3 battery types, mass produce these 3 and offer battery replacement for maybe 30 bucks or less? OEM’s could have like 3 phone designs and update the internals, making each screen replacement maybe 50 bucks or less? Instead each has unique screen, motherboard, subboard and battery combo. My 10y/o nokia has the same battery as a new one, they cost like 5 bucks each.
Needless to say I love the EU for bringing back user serviceable batteries, that’s a great start.
Apparently when KG was blowing out his birthday candles on stage they asked him to make a wish, and he said “Don’t miss Trump next time”. JB is working on his clean image and stepped away, I don’t think they have any beef tbh, but the D is on hold atm. source
Yeeaah I drew the line at the printscreens, it was a really interesting video with a lot of effort and research put in, unlike this article.
“Let’s not assume people using this are male”
“This is not a place for politics”
Wh… wha… what? Do they not even believe in more than one gender?
So what you’re saying is we need a revolution?
As the cat and mouse game continues, we ask ourselves, is water still wet?
Let me be clear so you don’t misunderstand me. When it comes down to prove an image is genuine you haven’t been able to say “look at this picture, it’s real for sure” for almost 30 years. When you want to use a picture to prove something you have to provide much more details about where/how/when/why it was taken, access to those tools won’t change the fact a picture in a vacuum has no meaning.
Like I said, old-man-yelling-at-cloud energy.
Lmao, “but” means your statement can be true and irrelevant at the same time. From the day photoshop could fool people lawyers have been trying to mark any image as faked, misplaced or out of context.
When you just now realise it’s an issue, that’s your problem. People can’t stop these tools from existing, so like, go yell at a cloud or something.
But it has been possible, for more than a decade
Photoshop has existed for a bit now. So incredibly shocking it was only going to get better and easier to do, move along with the times oldtimer.
This is bad
Some serious old-man-yelling-at-cloud energy
then again, who says the OP was for average person
Nobody, the post is to aid us who are assisting other people to switch. I’m saying people here vastly overestimate the average persons ability AND willingness to actually switch, by themselves or assisted.
Linux is not all that horrible compared to Windows.
It is, in part because Linux is not beginner friendly but mostly because everyone is used to windows. Almost every program they’ve used is exclusive to it, which is why this post provides a path to eventually introduce them to Linux. Using Linux isn’t hard, using it the same way people are used to is. As is troubleshooting and installing 3rd party applications.
So when you’re done building strawmans, go touch some grass
Couldn’t have said it better, and I’ve seen the same article as well!
Funny story a coworker told me is his father kept breaking his windows install in the weirdest ways, so he asked him if he’d try Linux and was very reluctant. He showed him his laptop and he said “Oh yeah I used this at work for 30 years!”
Your point is proven by the adaptation of chromebooks, kids have no issue using them and neither should anyone else. It’s not a Linux thing, it’s a “what did you use the most”-thing. Some distros are ready to be shipped to consumers, bought a laptop with Linux pre-installed in 2018 (XPS 13).
You’ll see mainstream use if stores are selling them in-store to consumers. You’re up against the likes of Google, Microsoft or Apple when you try to pull that off.
PS: I believe in mainstream Linux use because money has a tendency to ruin everything, just think it will be much slower than us enthusiasts would want.
Exactly, in reality people will use what’s given to them. Just like windows, introduce it now and people would lose their fucking minds about how convoluted it is.
Transition costs are what we should be looking at, right now to install or use Linux you need someone with experience explaining it to you. Just like it was when PC’s were becoming a thing. Don’t have that person? Only alternative is MacOS or ChromeOS for them.
Very nice idea in theory, but proving there is no AI involved in the creation of art is not something I think is remotely possible. It’s an arms race more than anything, but I’m very interested in how Adobe will tackle it. I think people will be appreciating physical art more again, but even then we could argue about the usage of AI tools.
Anyhow, people will have to come to terms with the fact that AI is here to stay, and will only get better too.