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JLGS 137


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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2022


  • That’s very fair, I guess I see it as more war and unnecessary death are already on the itinerary, the Western hegemony seems to refuse to die quietly, so I hope the final act plays out with them foolishly wasting 1% of their forces at a time instead of resolutely commiting all forces and causing an even more devastating conflict all around. As someone said above, the French may be a useful vassal the to US in a future war with China, so them wasting their forces prematurely and possibly without glowing blessing from the US is all good things.

  • Personally I would be surprised if any of this happens. The West’s weapons, armor, style of fighting, psychology, and availability of willing and able recruits has already been exposed again and again as laughably bad. They have spent the last half century bullying vulnerable countries, occupying and fighting insurgencies, they are completely out of their element fighting a near-peer adversary. Their technology is overpriced, overengineered junk. They are running out of money and all of their industry and access to raw resources has been outsourced over the decades across the world, much of which supports Russia implicitly or explicitly. Like all fascists they are irrational, arrogant, narrow sighted, cowardly, and cultish. The cost for all these factors have been the terrible casualty rate inflicted not just on the Ukranian army but on all the mixed NATO mercenaries and NATO officials who have been training, arming, and supporting the Ukranians.

    If the war drums rolled loud and an overwhelming coalition of NATO formed and resolutely plunged headfirst into war with Russia, the scenario would be much more contentious and unstable. However, if they are hindered by their own nominally war weary populaces, and can only give a few thousand at a time, treading softly because they are scared shitless of the consequences, they are doing nothing but weakening themselves at a rate that Russia can easily absorb.

  • Hell yes, and then you’re a comrade who can feed people. That’s an invaluable asset to the movement, and whatever it will grow into during that time. We are trained to be docile, the fascists are trained to fantasize about killing all day long. We are surpressed, they are enabled. When shit hits the fan, the Left will be vitalized, there will be no choice, it will even be reactionary in many ways. We are meant to be the cadres that ensure the revolution is MList in nature, and that our friends and family survive. I do not think we will be able to exploit any momentum effectively until the federal gov’t starts seriously waning, and yes the fascists will have all the prep, the initiative. We’re gonna take an uppercut in the opening scenes. It’s okay. We will wipe the blood off our face and get up and try over and over until we get it right.

  • This is just how I see it, yes.

    I agree such people would rather become terrorists, hence my quotes around “volunteered” lol 😁 though I agree that if we were to clean a mess, it should be the mess here on these lands first, the Black Americans and Natives.

    I imagine a big power like China would have to step in to enforce such international consensus, which would be massively unpopular; I’m sure by the time socialists have wrested control of this land from fascists et. al., we should be lucky if there is much capital, resources etc. still intact.

  • It really is a perfect storm, IMO, of a hundred little things, but yes.

    This became much longer than I intended, no expectations to read, but it is what I have to say on the matter.

    Highly generalizing here:

    Physically is the most easily to point to. We are fed highly processed, sugary, and thus addictive foods with poor nutritional content, often used for being cheap, widely accessible, and essy to make; our problem with obesity and adjacent conditions is quite famous, after all. People are addicted to their phones and spend no time outside, many physically engaging activities are prohibitively expensive and paired with a highly isolated and alienated community (or lack thereof), people then become lonely and only find a modicum of socialization online (reinforcing horribly long screen time consumption). This pairs with everything from predatory companies ensuring people end up vaping, smoking, drinking, and drugging to excess, not to mention advertising and Big Pharma + pill-happy therapists. And, finally, of course, our terrible healthcare system, and insurances fighting to deny coverage.

    Mentally, again we must bring up the phones and how TikTok rots our brains, our attention spans and our critical thinking. There is an extreme crisis of mental illness and people are barely functional enough to live a normal life. The destruction of community has made us unfit for socializing and this is reinforced by everything from our car-centered cities, hyper commodification of time, purposefully polarizing news media, extremely hostile and isolatory interest niches and job overspecialization that people fall into, all taking place in a culture that celebrates violence and porn and repressing emotions. Capitalism of course has an open secret where dishonesty, ruthlessness, and a lack of empathy are necessary to survive, and the people who then become successful reinforce these values. People are utterly hopeless, fed either a complete lie of how the world is that they must live inside a bubble to maintain, or they are fed a rabidly dystopian idea of the future, about a world full of enemies, about how danger and crime lurks around every corner. Our school system, both public K-12 and our universities, are laughably bad, famous of course for how bad our students are no matter how much money is thrown at them. Our media is geared towards lowest common denominator, shallow and safe, and from a young age children are being fed garbage music and movies through unrestricted access to smart devices that are omnipresent. People skim headlines, they do not read. Policies are taken to just force students to pass classes by default instead of actually building learning; children are focused on rote memorization to pass tests, before dumping the info for the next set of stuff to memorize, and nothing more.

    As for bravery, a much less measurable concept, well. Fear is the axis of which American psyche operates. We fear the boogeymen across the world, we fear our government, we fear other races, we fear the future, we fear each other. We fear speaking truth, because we learn from a young age that speaking plain truth is punished, whether by our peers or by the legal system. We fear our militarized police, we fear the “thug” boogeymen that they purportedly protect us from. Fed constant stories about cartels, mobs, gangs, terrorists. A new war! War war war! USSR is going to nuke you! Cuba is going to nuke you! North Korea, no, Iran, no, North Korea again, okay maybe terrorists? Russia? China? You are going to be instantly vaporized one day, very soon, we promise! The White Protestant values are so deeply ingrained, the anticommunism so deep, those who stray will quickly be chastized. It is social suicide to not adhere to whatever niche you find yourself in. We, especially the meek or those on the Left, we are trained to say “sorry” to excess, to be deferrant, we are taught saying the wrong thing online will send a hate mob against you who will doxx you until you lose your job and your family and friends will abandon you–and they will! I’ve seen it happen based solely on rumors!–which of course is just a mechanism of public executions that fascistic societies are so fond of since Roman times. Everybody is eager to tear someone who “deserves it” down…so do you want to stick your neck out? Despite being so incompetent, people are taught the CIA & Friends are like magic Gestapo who will teleport to your location and torture you in Guantanamo if you so much as say one wrong thing in front of the ever-present surveillance state, whether the literal microphones all well-known to be tapped and skimming your speech and texts for keywords, or the panopticon made by our friends and family who might turn on you in a moment. People are taught to either be passive aggressive, or passive. Being plainly aggressive is only seen in very poor communities, it is highly unacceptable in the majority of society, if you raise your voice too much people are quick to think you are dangerously deranged, people are quick to call the (again, militarized, incompetent, and trigger happy) cops. Being assertive is then impossible; people are not taught to resolve conflicts with measured confrontation, to stand up for themselves or others, only to keep their head down, OR play a sneaky game of deceit and cruelty. The assertive are rarely seen and quickly labelled as aggressive. Then there is the culture famous here of coddling, of parents who want to wrap their children’s lives up in bubble wrap (I can only speculate its origins), resulting in grown adults who can’t make choices for themselves, can’t speak for themselves, have never been in even mildly dangerous or unpredictable situations.

    This is a lot, and yet I feel like it is only half of it. So much goes into play here, some natural consequences of unfettered capitalism and fascism, but some purposefully orchestrated by the CIA etc. to degrade the body, mind, and courage of would-be dissidents, such as them pushing a Compatible Left which just encourages more of the same “tear everyone down like a hate mob” and “skim headlines” and “celebrate laziness and hypersensitivity” culture over people trying to build actual knowledge, understanding, and compassion.

    I’m going to stop talking immediately or I won’t stop 🫢😅