ugly bag of mostly water

don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • Then try being legitimately interesting, rather than co-opting an identity that doesn’t actually belong to you.

    Also there’s nothing wrong with “basic.” Most of us are basic in some ways and interesting in other ways. Surely being straight and liking Starbucks and TikTok is not the sum total of who you are. Figure out the ways in which you’re unique and interesting. If you don’t think there are enough, then put the time into developing new hobbies. Personal growth is amazing. But don’t lie about who you are. That’s way worse than being basic.

    ETA: I forgot to mention, based on this:

    I want to be spicy and strong, not just like a girl who starts drama and complains like your average basic girl.

    you should get your internalized misogyny figured out. Like, pronto.

  • Please don’t take this as me trying to be mean or unfeeling, but I’m curious - you’re talking about some pretty serious issues, so why are you trying to sound so childlike? E.g., “uncomf”, “wana make u happi <3”, “awfuler feels”, “big sads”. I’m interested in what you’re saying but the way you present it makes it so hard to take seriously. Is this a thing in the trans community that I just don’t get, or just your schtick, or what?

  • Nobody’s going to want to be around you if you’re volatile and hurtful. And “I can’t help it” is a thin excuse. These are things you absolutely could control, you just have to try.

    You sound young. Get control of yourself and develop some empathy. And while you’re at it, do something about your internalized misogyny. These two passages ought to create some cognitive dissonance for you:

    Women also piss me off more than men do, so I hang out more with them because I feel like they get me and aren’t as bitchy.

    I think women should be the best versions of themselves :) [I believe this is why society is so hard on women as a whole]

    1. Eyesight is getting worse. It’s hard to read in dim light, and driving at night can be rough.
    2. Takes my body longer to recuperate from anything that it doesn’t like - injuries, alcohol, upset stomach.
    3. Age spots. I thought they were just freckles but my dermatologist says they’re age spots. I’m only 43!

    Aging is funny, because there’s always someone who thinks you’re ancient, and there’s always someone who thinks you’re still super young. I was at a bar a couple weeks ago, and these two dudes were complaining about how old they were getting… so I asked, turns out they were the ripe old age of twenty-eight. Which made me laugh a little, because 28 is still pretty young. And when I told them I was 43 they couldn’t believe it. I guess in my twenties I didn’t have an accurate idea of what people in their forties looked like either. Conversely when I made some comment to my parents about being middle-aged, they laughed at me because “you’re in your forties, you’re not middle-aged!”. So it’s all relative. My dad said something that stuck with me: you may feel like you’re getting older, but when you’re my age (he’s 75) you’ll realize how young you still were, and how much energy you had. And that’s helped me be aware that even though there are some aspects of aging that I really hate, there are plenty of good healthy years left.