You won’t regret it. Safety razors, and if you decide to, straight razors are far superior. I used a safety razor for a few years and then decided to get a Dovo straight razor and I love it.
You won’t regret it. Safety razors, and if you decide to, straight razors are far superior. I used a safety razor for a few years and then decided to get a Dovo straight razor and I love it.
Popular Front’s publications are very good. Conflict Journalism at its best.
Wait, is this not standard practice?
I’ve always organized media files this way; I index my music similarly.
Kemasabe! I love that channel!
My dad had The Blues Brothers on VHS. I used to watch it ALL the time. I’ve seen it upwards of 100 times. It is still one of my favorite movies of all time. When I was a kid 95% of it went over my head, but as an adult, it’s just so good.
I’ve been using Transit to get around the DC Metro area for a few years now. It’s pretty damn helpful and reliable. Sometimes they’re not accurate (buses don’t show up in their system, or are in the system, but never show at the stop) but I expect that with public transit.
Either way, it’s the best app I’ve found (for this area at least).
I went to a small private Christian high school too. Our Junior year we did a “college tour” to check out Christian Colleges. We visited Bob Jones, and I was blown away. That place is fucking wild. I’m glad I settled on Penn State in the long run.
Food. I’m making just enough to get my bills paid, but I’ve been eating ramen and Mac and cheese for around a year. I just want to be able to have food in the fridge/cupboard. It’s getting so fucking tiring to never have basic necessities to work so fucking hard to keep my bank account in the negative. I’m so fucking depressed.
Now that I’m done venting, I would absolutely love to be able to get some gifts for my brothers and sisters but it just doesn’t look like it’ll be feasible this year.