… causing the board to hire another equally expensive CEO, – This time he’s into PLANES though!
… causing the board to hire another equally expensive CEO, – This time he’s into PLANES though!
I’m all for fixing the system but why does the employee CEO of company not get to spend his wages on whatever he wants just like the rest of us?
Was it company money he spent it on? Is he a maj shareholder?
Is Ars Technica a dead publication asked the developer.
banks wouldn’t use something that black box. just trust me bro wouldn’t be a good pitch
yeah so you can’t get Chinese government spyware installed.
surprised it didn’t end up in a razor blade race where you fly the Airbus 900000000000009
yeah might as well wait for LLLLLMs
Hey! This god damned steam engine keeps using up all our fucking water and coal. This shit is so inefficient and overhyped
Do arduino stuff or look up chips with those cortexm0 arm processors. Like these: https://www.adafruit.com/product/3403
…and for that reason, I’m out
wow haven’t seen antipope in a long time
I make this every week because you can’t buy white bread without a billion preservatives and whatnot https://www.theflavorbender.com/japanese-milk-bread-recipe-hokkaido-milk-bread/
oi mate you got your nut oil loiscence?
is it good guessing that you know when you step out of your bed without looking you won’t fall to your death?
Sure steam engines may not fit every use but from them we learned to make other kinds of engines right? But yeah I’m sure ‘LLM’ will either change scope/definition or we’ll make new stuff to fit other use cases kind of like diffusion models for images vs llm for text generation.
yeah but whatever the stats about as N increases alpha/beta error goes away thing is
bro I was taught in a textbook in the US in the 00s that the statue of liberty was painted green.
No math teacher I ever had actually knew the level of math they were teaching.
Humans hallucinate all the time. almost 1 billion children don’t even have access to a human teacher, thus the boon to humanity
This is such a rich-country-centric view that I can’t stand. LLMs have already given the world maybe it’s greatest gift ever – access to a teacher.
Think of the 800 million poor children in the world and their access to a Kahn academy level teacher on any subject imaginable with a cellphone/computer as all they need. How could that not have value and is pearl clutching drawing skills becoming devalued really all you can think about it?
you’ll never be able to make a LLM that’s any good at playing chess,
They said that about machines and then we all laughed at the mechanical turk hoax. Now machines can almost beat you in Go.
I’ll say it again – It is hubris and you will obviously be wrong to try to predict the future or what will have value.
like come on – superpositioning exists and we’ve no clue how consciousness works (Bostrom thinks its just maths) but you have this crystal ball full of certainty. It smells…
they should just print company script and send it to them