I take it you brush your teeth during showering :)
I take it you brush your teeth during showering :)
I have stickers on it, some of them hand drawn by my daughters.
Huh, this actually looks very promising.
yeah, you’re right, actually. if I have to fit this somewhere in my framework of things, it’d fall in the “dark pattern” box. so per definition it’s actually malicious.
I’ll InfoSeek the answer for you :)
Honestly, that’s actually smart and nobody is hurt here. Google by now is as shit as Bing, so there’s nothing wrong with using B instead of G. Let them downvotes come :)
well the market share of Windows 11 has risen significantly on my work laptop, and I can wholehearedly say, I understand why its global market share is falling… random freezes, random restarts, battery life sliced, random starting up from suspend. it’s not great.
meanwhile, Manjaro on my personal Lenovo laptop has been cutting edge with consistent updates for years.
oh no!
The amount of effort i had to put into buying a dumb tv the last time it was new tv time is positively infuriating.
That’s activism for you… 95% of people don’t listen, but if 5% do, you already made a mark.
Oh no . .
29533018 :'-)
The real story is they have 11k of this piece of crap on the roads
Regulation works.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
while i’m obviously sure it’s a bluff, pulling out instead of selling would be the clearest admittance that tiktok is (or at that point: was) not about the profit, but about Chinese influence in the US. the message being “we rather leave a hudred billion dollars on the table than give away our surveillance technology to some US company.”
but yeah, they will def. sell if they need to.
Stock Remunders app, that’s the best
that’s fine, they have the perfect alternative, the cybertruck. /s
Honestly, i just love voyager as it is. I’m still on reddit, but use voyager/lemmy like 4x more by now. So i’m sure there will be great improvement ideas here, I’m here just to thank you 💪💪