The same can be said of lemmy, mastodon or any publically accessible forum
With bluesky ,the sign up has a section where you choose a server. The bluesky server is prefilled. Otherwise you add your own.
But not having that default option and instead having to have the user go research and figure out which server to use is an immediate turn off.
God damn that takes me back to 1998 and just having moved to Alpharetta, GA
Sure. And so ending up with a dead platform.
…or following people and interests you want to follow and keeping up with their updates.
ffs stop gatekeeping social media
Twitter has 106 million users in USA.
Prove it
Mastodon has like zero comments on any news source i follow.
Not the answer you want, but for me, I quit cold turkey after smoking a pack a day for 15 years.
The thing that helped is that I wasn’t being forced to quit for health or social reasons. I simply realized that all smoking a cigarette was doing was making me not want to smoke another cigarette for 30 minutes. I felt I had no more desire to continue the trend.
The first week sucked. I ended up rolling loose-leaf paper into the cylindrical shape of a cigarette, putting Scotch tape on one end, and poking holes into it so that dragging on it felt like dragging on a cigarette. That actually got me through week 2.
After that, the pull to smoke was far, far weaker. It’s weird. It ends up coming in waves. You’re fine, you’re fine, then you get an overwhelming urge to light up. The need lasts for about 30 seconds and goes away quickly. Over time, the frequency between those cravings gets longer, and the cravings get smaller. At some point, I just didn’t feel like smoking at all anymore.
But yeah, the first few weeks are not great.
Best of luck!
Edit: my main advice here is that if you don’t feel like you really want to quit, you’re going to have a much harder time. If your plan is to taper down, it may be torture. If you’re plan is “I’ll only show myself this one” every so often, it’s going to be a long, drawn out losing process.
“Can I scan your badge?”
…quietly walk away backwards, staring them dead in the eye
I’ve never seen an illuminated logo from manufacturers other than those I’ve listed. Large, sure. Though some like Kia or Hyundai I haven’t seen get huge. Honda, maybe?
“African American culture is the antithesis to your argument. Even the most wealthy individuals sporting logos of all kinds, literally as status symbols.”
Really you’re describing the difference between striking it rich and generational wealth.
The amount of money that those conferences cost my job and the amount of time I spend blocking cold calls from vendors that gave me shwag…
I find the same to be true when people buy cars with illuminated insignia in the grill. Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen, for example.
Agree on all points.
DevOps guy here mostly working at scale in AWS. Learning docker should be priority 1 alongside learning Linux basics. Ansible should be second IF the plan is launching docker containers on a VM as opposed to a server less option (example: AWS Fargate)
1.0 ratio is the low bar, leech
Depends on the type of dev you’re doing.
Homebrew. Through homebrew: vscode,iterm2, Firefox, virtual box and/or vmware fusion, colima + docker, vagrant, pyenv, jenv, direnv, nodenv, bash, zsh + oh-my-zsh +powerlevel10k, tmux+byobu, coreutils
I’m sure I’m missing a bunch