It’s absurd because Biden wasn’t doing anything, like he was upholding the status quo, with limited efforts to patch up some issues.
Trump is straight up trying to gut the federal government and sell it for parts as well as legitimately trying to take away people’s rights, if not straight up make their existence a crime.
He’s also trying to do this with a pretty weak mandate. Most people who did want him wanted him for a specific policy and ignored the rest.
So he’s creating a huge amount of backlash while only appeasing a small group with each action.
There is an over arching issue with most of the extant models being highly unethical in where they got their data, effectively having made plagiarism machines.
It is not ok to steal the content of millions of small independent creators to create slop that drowns them out. Most of them were already offering their work for free. And I am talking about LMs here, writing is a skill.
Say what ever you want about big companies being bad for abusing IP laws, but this is not about the laws, not even paying people for their work, this is about crediting people when they do work, acknowledging that the work they did had value, and letting people know where they can find more.
Also, I don’t really buy the “it’s good for disabled people” that feels like using disabled people as a shield against criticism, and I’ve yet to see it brought up in good faith.