Next week it’ll be something else startling and maskoff. News will downplay it, nothing will happen, no one cares, rinse repeat.
Next week it’ll be something else startling and maskoff. News will downplay it, nothing will happen, no one cares, rinse repeat.
Meanwhile 14-year-olds are salivating for this game, who will then steal mom’s credit card for shark cards. I’m convinced teenagers are the target audience for GTA games.
I’ll mod a few things. If interested send me a message
I like Clarkson, but fuck that guy. Welcome to actual capitalism
They’ve been getting away with their class-war for so long any deviation from norms is alarming. Usually we just talk about black vs white, right vs left, etc.
A misinformation-peddling service for the oligarchy?
If Trump hung a nazi flag from the White House on his first day, all these companies would be sig heiling
Money did. It’s always money
Spoiler: No one writes down shit, this is the new normal
Flood tip lines with bullshit tips
Incorrect. The book itself means very little, just their interpretation.
Closed it. Viva la France!
I understood some of those words. It make network go?
More than half of Americans are OK with fascism. No fixing this.
You have my axe, for what it’s worth. Godspeed.
Democracy died, not with a cry, but a cheer
I’d bet any amount of money that within the next few elections a republican will fly a flag with an obscure white supremacist rune on it
I was there, 3000 years ago
1-click cancellations are bad for consumers, they’ll claim
Gosh I know, moving from a social media platform where its owner sig heils to a platform where its owner does not is just as bad. You’re either trolling or an idiot.