Thanks. I have had a relatively drama free life, so this was a pretty significant event for me. I met an amazing man a year later and have been married to him 8 years now. But I still think about this from time to time and feel sad, and I guess a bit of guilt (which I know I shouldn’t). I realize this guy had a lot going on besides our brief relationship to take his own life but it’s still difficult feeling like I had a part in it.
Cold Pursuit
I saw it in theatres and I remember people weren’t laughing and some were walking out because they were bored. I can guarantee that all of them saw Liam Neeson was the lead and were expecting another action packed Taken type movie. What we got instead was a movie reminiscent of Fargo or The Big Lebowski. It’s absolutely hilarious, I’ve watched it many times and I’ve shown friends this one and they’ve all loved it. Highly recommend!