Someone hit the spiked eggnog a bit too hard.
Because I wouldn’t want people to kill me after the 24 hours is over… I would go with the Pink Floyd album, Meddle, mostly for Echoes (six tracks). Then the Jean-Michel Jarre album, Oxygène (another six). Then some good trip-hop tracks for something to move to.
Maybe Supreme Beings of Leisure, Ghetto. Moloko, Fun for Me. Morcheeba, Blood Like Lemonade.
You never forget your first.
But when that noise is used in the right hands …
Same. I read a few subs that haven’t yet fully grown here on Lemmy, but I don’t post.
Can’t say I feel bad at all.
What distro are you running as your daily driver?
No, and I don’t miss it at all.
I’ve used BT headphones even when my last two devices had jacks and wouldn’t want to go back.
Prior to that, I can’t count the number of times I would snag the wires on something or get them tangled in some way.
Now I use my BT bone conduction headphones everywhere.
I asked my 79 y/o mother if she knew. She didn’t even blink. “Because they’re not blue.”
Impossible to argue with that logic.
“Plane crash” must be another term for “lead poisoning of the brain”, which likely occurred weeks ago.
At least X is for xylophone.
Because X is always for xylophone.