Isolate the boy with a wife to only seed one plant, but you’re not going to get only feminized seeds so it’s a bit of work on the next grow, and it really sucks if you happen to only plant boys one round 😅
Isolate the boy with a wife to only seed one plant, but you’re not going to get only feminized seeds so it’s a bit of work on the next grow, and it really sucks if you happen to only plant boys one round 😅
Only the stupid rich people who are complete fucking idiots are gonna spend money on this. That and people irresponsible with money who are also complete morons.
Sadly that’s enough people to turn a profit so the rest doesn’t really have a choice. It’s either a fully enshitificated car, or no car.
Don’t even need a dowel jig, nail head in-between the boards and a slight tap on either side you have a marking that lines up on both sides
Pikkhud på fingrene funker heldigvis like bra på norsk så den stjeler jeg!
Snowman by sia has been one of my favorites a couple of years