…you can tell she’s a real lesbian because it was their second date…
…you can tell she’s a real lesbian because it was their second date…
…i liked it; where’d he become familiar with a vintage telephone within the past thirteen years?..
(we had one one display in our neighborhood park growing up, so it’s kind-of instantly recognisable)
…i just have to say: that engine bay is SO CLEAN…
…like, i could eat off of it…
…looks like an S-IVB J2 assembly…
we can all be Fascists because it does not mean anything anymore.
…oh, but it does…
…look at all those pockets for storing remote controllers, phones, and snacks!..
…looks more like i’m you, gonna right, stop there…
YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS, as eru ilúvatar intended
…you forgot these: * *…
…i have a virulently-antifascist friend who laments emperor oompa-loopma 24/7 and he
…sounds like a good reason to cease operations and liquidate assets…
…a little bit ferrous, yes i really do think…
…anyone with a housemaid is a red flag…
…i think the early stages will be fuzzy over the next four years but the `states will be fully engaged within six…
…f*cking cool cars; sad to see them go…
…i almost bought a used 9000 in '99; ended up buying a turbobeetle instead which was unfortunately a disposable piece of junk…
…do three strikes laws apply to simultaneous convictions?..
…multi-whole-grain sourdough and way more dairy than i should be eating…
…so the thing is that, after accounting for time dilation, light is instantaneous and perhaps better-described as the speed of causality…even a ‘perfect stick’ comprising quantum-crystal wonder-material can’t move before it’s pushed, so you’d find that it, too, transmits information at the speed of light…