Can confirm. It was common here in Norway. My dad got most of his news updates and weather forcasts from there, as he was usually busy during the evening news broadcast.
It could be a good vehicle, if it was built by someone else.
The past few years have revealed that while Tesla have the tech, they lack the basic precision manufacturing that other automakers mastered decades ago.
Am I to understand that the cable use has multiple cores within a single cladding? Interesting approach…
Now we get to classify them as singlemode, multimode, and multiestmode.
How bad did Musk fuck this up? Enough for us noggies to join the side of swedes AND danes…I hope to see the finns join in too.
How bad did Tesla fuck this up? Enough for us noggies to join the side of swedes AND danes. I hope to see the finns join in too.
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Noted, thank you. Editing the original post accordingly.
Yes. The word is “Neger”, and up until very recently, that was the common term for people with darker skin tone, as “afro american” doesn’t really make sense outside of america. It was used up until maybe 2000ish in a similar way to how “negro” was used in the US in the 40s and 50s (and probably later), but more broadly.
It was later replaced by “African”, which doesn’t really work, as the old term could mean more than just people of african heritage.
I’m not entirely sure what’s the appropriate term is today - it’s not like i need to refer to peoples heritage through their skin tone a whole lot.
EDIT: I just remembered from when I was a kid my aunt (who married a guy from Ghana) referring to him as “neger” some time in the 90s, so it was at least at that point in time not considered offensive.
It should be noted that I’m not 100% sure of the definition of blackface, so I may have used the term incorrectly. In this specific case, it is makeup applied in a manner so the actor appears somewhat realistic as being african american (as opposed to the minstrel-show-makeup). I think theybwere trying to have him look like the actual Miami Vice guy, this being its parody. Please see the first few seconds of the youtube link and help me clarify.
“Pretend your nipples are laser guns, and try to shoot people you see on the street in the head. It does wonders for your posture.”
As someone with a horrible posture, I found this “game” to be surprisingly effective.
Source: I’m Norwegian but I used to know an irate IT finn named Linus. A separate irate IT finn named Linus, that is.