And then they threw out windows 11 in what felt like 2 months from announcement to shipping
And then they threw out windows 11 in what felt like 2 months from announcement to shipping
Bubble sort. It’s the only one I really understand and know how to implement.
/s to be sure
Wow, did you just really confess as an child porn distributor/consumer? Who else would need such an communication alternative?
Jup, so many accounts I’ve already blocked in my app…
3 years of security updates is unfortunately very little…
The planet itself will survive this easily, the inhabitants on the other hand…
To add further more: often also 810 or 820 numbers exist, where a phone call might have a toll up to 10 or 20 cents per minute respectively. With 900 numbers you usually dont know, how expensive they are, when only looking at the number.
Sooo, doing some search it seems as if this image is more than a decade old. Unfortunately the amazon link is not working anymore.
Entering the product code on camelcamelcamel however does bring up the RC car:
I’m not a racist because as a boy I was too slow when I was gokarting…
It’s “ich_iel” on
They get eliminated at first sight!
Are you sure about that? From m/s to km/h you multiply by 3600 (for the time) and divide by 1000 (for the distance) which leads to a factor of 3.6.
Personally i always remember 25 m/s = 90 km/h = 56 mph because of the somewhat round numbers.
Sooooo, wavelengths (λ) become longer when something moves away (redshift) and become shorter when something moves towards you (blueshift).
For a red flag (λ0=610nm) to become a green flag (λ1=549nm), it has to move towards you quite fast. But how fast is ‘quite fast’?
Using the formula
flag_velocity / speed of light © = difference in wavelengths / starting wavelength
we get
flag_velocity = (610-549) / 610 * c = 61 / 610 * c = 1/10 * c
This means: the flag has to move with about c/10 = 30 000 000 m/s = 108 000 000 km/h = 67 108 100 mph. Yeah, that’s quite fast.
use info on own risk
values for λ were chosen in a way to make calculations easy. There is no info on what shade of red or green the flag is. The final result will be about the same.
With speeds at around 10% of c, I should use the formula considering the relativistic doppler effect… However, i wont. Thanks.)
Sooooo, wavelengths (λ) become longer when something moves away (redshift) and become shorter when something moves towards you (blueshift).
For a red flag (λ0=610nm) to become a green flag (λ1=549nm), it has to move towards you quite fast. But how fast is ‘quite fast’?
Using the formula
flag_velocity / speed of light © = difference in wavelengths / starting wavelength
we get
flag_velocity = (610-549) / 610 * c = 61 / 610 * c = 1/10 * c
This means: the flag has to move with about c/10 = 30 000 000 m/s = 108 000 000 km/h = 67 108 100 mph. Yeah, that’s quite fast.
use info on own risk
values for λ were chosen in a way to make calculations easy. There is no info on what shade of red or green the flag is. The final result will be about the same.
With speeds at around 10% of c, I should use the formula considering the relativistic doppler effect… However, i wont. Thanks.)
Maybe she wasn’t able to start collage sooner… There are many reasons for why s1 is at collage at 29.
The actual unit is lower case, the multiplier is uppercase.
Wouldn’t agree with that… There are many different units and multipliers. the letter being uppercase or lowercase has nothing to do with it.
letters for prefixes/multipliers being uppercase and lowercase: P, T, G, M, k, h, da, d, c, m, u, n (trillion, billion, million, thousand, hundred, ten, one tenth, one hundredth, one thousandth, one millionth, one billionth)
Letters for units being uppercase and lowercase: s, m, g, N, W, J, A, K, V, h, Hz (seconds, meter, gram, Newton, Watt, Joule, Ampere, Kelvin, Volt, hour, Hertz) (just recognised, that most units, which are named after scientists, are written with capital letters…)
km = thousand meters/kilometer
K = Kelvin (unit for temperature)
M = Mega (prefix for one million)
kJ = thousand joules
s = second
ms = millisecond (one thousandth)
S = siemens (electrical conductivity)
mS = milli siemens
mm = millimeter (one thousandth of a meter)
Mm = megameter (one million meters or thousand kilometers)
Teh bset tinhg aubot it is, taht it aslo wroks in ohetr lngauages lkie greman, epxet wehn its a cmopudon nuon lkie Aepirtsvksrtyzkdfttenmköaititsueiaiämfruehsg.
The map does not make any mistake!
Yep, was thinking the same. And all the other brands of fitness devices…