• 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024


  • Je nach Typ falle es manchen Menschen auch schwerer als anderen, nicht auf das “Nudging” zu reagieren, so der Ökonom. “Wenn suggeriert wird, dass die soziale Norm besteht, hier Trinkgeld zu geben, dann gibt es einen deutlichen Anteil an Menschen, die das dann machen.” Selbst wenn sie eigentlich der Meinung sind, dass an dieser Stelle kein Trinkgeld nötig wäre.

    Und genau deswegen sollte man standhaft bleiben und kein Trinkgeld bei einer solchen Art der Bezahlung geben. Ich gebe Trinkgeld nur, wenn die eigentliche Dienstleistung über das normale Maß hinausgeht. Zum Beispiel, wenn ich beim Friseur noch 10 min vor Ladenschluss drankomme und der Friseur deswegen ein paar Minuten später in den Feierabend starten kann, oder, wenn mir bei Regen und Sturm das Essen bis an die Wohnungstür geliefert wird.

    Ich gebe das Trinkgeld in bar, weil ich mir dadurch erhoffe, dass das Trinkgeld dann auch bei der richtigen Person ankommt, da diese dann nicht offenbarten muss, ein Trinkgeld erhalten zu haben. Ich habe gehört, dass manchmal Trinkgelder abgegeben werden müssen und dann am Ende des Monats aufgeteilt werden.

    Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass Trinkgeld, das über eine App oder bargeldlos gegeben wird, nicht bei denen ankommt, die es verdient haben, sondern entweder als Gewinn beim Zahlungsdienstleister oder beim Chef landet.

  • Aus dem Artikel geht nicht hervor, ob auch eine entsprechende Anzeige gegen das Parken im Parkverbot einer Feuerwehrzufahrt gemacht worden ist. Und selbst wenn: das Bußgeld von 35 € hierfür wäre immer noch ein Schnäppchen.

    Leider hilft eine mündliche Ansage nicht viel bei solchen Leuten. Sowas zeigt nur, dass sie mit einem solchen Verhalten, das rein aus Bequemlichkeit entsteht, weiterhin durchkommen. Es wäre wünschenswert gewesen, zu lesen, dass alle Fahrzeuge ohne Vorankündigung abgeschleppt worden wären. Nur so hätte sich ein Lerneffekt eingestellt.

  • Wie kommen solche Leute darauf, anzunehmen, man würde nicht kontrolliert werden mit einem vollen Tank? Um den Tank zu füllen, muss ich an einer Tankstelle tanken. Dort werde ich auf jeden Fall durch eine Überwachungskamera kontrolliert. Und wenn ich woanders hinfahre und dort tanke, um von dort wieder wegzukommen, dann wissen “die da oben”, dass ich woanders war, weil ich eben da auch wieder mit einer Überwachungskamera gefilmt worden bin.

    Beim Bargeld doch genau so: Ich bekomme Bargeld am Geldautomaten, der mich beim Geldabholen filmt. Oder lch lasse es mir an der Supermarktkasse auszahlen, wobei ich wiederum ebenfalls gefilmt werde. Ob solche Leute ihren Lohn/Gehalt auf ein Konto überwiesen bekommen? Dann wissen “die da oben” aber bescheid.

  • Don’t get me wrong - I’m all in favor of the EU Directive that states that all such devices must have the same charging port from now on. I think that this should have been introduced way earlier.

    I also realize that this law doesn’t apply to Apple exclusively, but you don’t find the Lightning port on any other non-Apple devices. If the Lightning port didn’t exist at all, Apple devices probably would have been equipped with USB C ports instead.

    But one thing that affects all kind of devices is that they will be outdated at least software-wise mostly deliberately, no matter what charging port they are euqipped with. This even happens with Android-based phones, as there is a wide range of phones that can’t be fixed with alternative software (ie. Graphene, LinageOS and similar).

    In my opinon it should be law that manufacturors should allow for end-of-service-devices to be opened up and upgraded with an alternative OS/ software, to extend liftime and to avoid being discarded. This affects mobile phones as well as smart lightbulbs, headphones, or vacuum robots and many more. This indeed has nothing to do with the EU Directive for charging ports, but it could have been another step towards keeping devices longer in the life cycle and thus avoiding landfill.

    Too many devices are being bricked by manufacturers deliberatly, and there are barely any ways to repair such devices, because manufacturers do not let it happen.

  • I wonder what happens to all those devices that are brand new, but can’t be sold any longer due to having the lightning port. My guess is that these devices will be shreddered and land up in a landfill - better for the environment than having to use a different cable (/s).

    This EU Directive only applies to devices sold as brand new. Frome here on devices sold as new have to be equipped with a USB C charging port.

    You still can buy a refurbished device equipped with a lightning charging port from a second hand market seller.

    Nothing changes for most people. If you own a device that still has a lightning port, you probaly also have a lightning cable for it. The three most common types (USB C / Lightnin / Micro USB) will still be around for a couple of years.

    From the enviromental point of view it would be best to keep any device until it is not usable any longer.

    I’d rather would like to see that Apple is being forced into revealing the software code for end-of-life devices than having to switch to a new charging port. That would have a more severe impact, as devices often still work well hardware-wise, but are outdated software-wise. Even Apples glued-in batteries can be changed (albeit it is very complicated), in order to prolong a devices lifespan. If outdated Apple devices could be revived with a FOSS software solution to be still compatible for a longer time, it would be way better for the environment - given, protecting the environment was the goal all along.

  • I always thought that entering, hot-wiring and driving away with a car was a complete fabrication, as cars have a steering column lock that prevents movement of the steering wheel. This scenario is often depeicted in older movies.

    At least I thought so. I recently learned that this doesn’t seem to be true, as there were cars around that do not have such locking mechanism. So this TV trope doesn’t seem to be far fetched. I think it is a safety requirement now to combat car theft. I assume that modern, recent cars are locked electronically rather than mechanically.

    However, I don’t think that car manufacturers leave/left a conventient ammount of cable length underneath the steering column to be yanked out and to be hotwired in a comfortable and accessible way.

  • I am right-handed, and I tought myself to use my mouse with the left hand when working on my laptop.

    The reason for that is that I have a couch, where the ottomane (the “long” part where you can rest your legs on) is attached to the right side (referenced to my seating position), meaning that, when sitting on this side of the couch, the arm rest of the ottomane is to my right side which doesn’t leave enough room to operate the mouse without obstruction.

    The side left to me (where the rest of the couch is), is unobstructed and leaves enough room to place and operate the mouse there.

    At first, it was hard to navigate with the non-domiant hand, and I used it for navigating within the web browser. The majority of mouse navigation in a browser is scrolling anyway.

    After a just a few of weeks I noticed that handling the mouse with the left hand became more and more precisely. Now I use my left hand exclusively with the mouse. I even noticed that when doing stuff in Blender or Affinity for example, keyboard shortcuts are more accessible to me with the right hand when working with a laptop.

    When at work however, I use the mouse with my dominant (right) hand, as the desk layout allows me to do that.

  • Our kitchen is integrated into the living room (open kitchen space) and the whole room has hardwood flooring. Due to the room layout it would be hard to establish a “border” where the flooring could change (e.g. tile floor in the kitchen area). It it easier to have one type of flooring across all the room.

    We rent, and unfortunately we were the first ones after the hardwood flooring was put in, which means that every spill and every scratch is on us. We decided not to bother, as every spill leaves a mark (regardless how fast your clean-up effort is), and thus adds character to the floor. It’s a living room after all.

    We know that a chunk of the security deposit will likely be gone if we move out. It would probably be as much money as to have the floor sanded down by ourselves.

    Despite hardwood flooring has some disadvantages regarding spills and scratches, it makes the room much more cozy than any other type of flooring. The most durable type of flooring would be sealed screed flooring you expect in a warehouse. But that wouldn’t look cozy.

  • High quality faucets (the ones which are expensive) usually do not leak. My girlfriend and I found that out the hard way. After moving in we built the kitchen and then we went and bought the cheapest IKEA faucet the store had to offer (back then for just 10 €), thinking “what could happen, it is just a faucet”.

    It turned out that this faucet leaked water, even when closed. But it was so little that one didn’t notice. It went over years. All that leaking water eventually seeped into the countertop, along the hole where the sink is built in, where the material (particle board) of the countertop is exposed. Now our whole countertop is puffy and has been expanded because of the water seeping into the particle board.

    We bought an expensive faucet after that, but it doesn’t attach to the countertop so well, because its surface is uneven due to the water seeping into the countertop. During summer, when the countertop dries out and decreases in thickness due to higher temperatures the new faucet comes loose. Until we get a new countertop we then have to deliberately wet the countertop where the faucet sticks out so that it can expand to tighten the faucet again.

    Thats why (good) faucets are expensive - you pay for peace of mind partially.