Be aware hosting media thru their proxy is breaking their ToS. Not saying anything will happen, but be mindful.
Just a dude named Nick on the internet
Be aware hosting media thru their proxy is breaking their ToS. Not saying anything will happen, but be mindful.
Yeah unfortunately iOS is very stingy with battery. Thankfully there’s a few apps that use apples push and ejabberd supports it. I haven’t tested them in a while tho since I’m on android.
Mattermost is great and I’m pretty sure they have an iOS app. I don’t believe the messages are encrypted on MM, but if you’re running the infra it’s not too big of a deal IMHO.
I run ejabberd for myself and my family/friend and use conversations on android. Mattermost I would say is the most like discord. I run one of those as well and love it.
I use NGiNX and have ever since I started. It just works and is easy to configure.
I 2nd this.